TOPOGRAPHY - the configuration or shape and roughness of the ground
TOPOGRAPHICMAP - shows the representation of the character and relief of the earth’s surface which includes the location of natural and artificial features
BATHYMETRICMAP is one which is primarily used to show bottom contours of lakes, seas,
oceans and other bodies of water.
SPOTHEIGHTS -the elevations of important features and critical points such
as roads, junctions, peaks, summits, sags and highway crossings that are indicated in the
map - it provides definite and precise information regarding elevation
HACHURES series of short lines drawn in the direction of the slope;
FORMLINES -drawn when not enough vertical control is available or when the surface is
too irregular or intricate to contour; such lines resemble contours, but are not drawn with
the same degree of accuracy
-made to show the shapes of the terrain rather than relief
CONTOURLINES most widely used method of quantitatively representing hills, mountains, depressions, and ground surface undulations on a two-dimensional sheet of paper
LAYERTINTING -a scale of graded color tints or a system of different colors is used to show different zones of elevation
SHADING old method used to show relative elevations on maps;; it is dependent upon shadows cast by the elevated portions of the land
RELIEFMODELS provide the most striking and realistic expression of topography; the model is a representation of the terrain done in three dimensions to a suitable horizontal and
vertical scales; they are made from wax, clay plastic, cardboard or other materials and
shaped to agree with the actual terrain
RIDGE AND STREAM LINING mainly used to emphasize the location of low and high ground;
useful on aerial photographs; when applied to a topographic map
SUBAQUEOUSCONTOUR -the portrayal of relief of the ground underwater is done by using depth curve
-they are numbered as the water depths grow deeper, and they are based on the low water datum rather than the mean sea level datum of contours