Failure to provide name and registration number correctly
Misrepresentation in the use of company name
Names is same as another company name
Similar to the name of another company that it creates confusion, trade marks
Reservation process
1. Reg 9- reservation of pty name is made in Form Cor 9.1
2. Alternative names
3. If name failed- commissioner in forms client CoR 9.5.
Defensive names
Reg 10- registration, renewal of defensive names by filing the prescribed form, payment of fee and evidence that the applicant has a direct and material interest in the name.
Registration number
Certificate of Incorporation
MOI contents
Type of pty
Inc date
Financial year
Registered address
Number of directors
Company name
MOI contains
Details of Incorporators
Number of directors
Share capital
Content of MOI
Alterable / unalterable
Binding effect of the MOI
Company and its members
Members per se
Company and its directors
Amendments of MOI
Notice of Amendment + copy of completed MOI + copy of special resolution approving the new form of MOI.