Material deprivation and class

Cards (17)

  • Material deprivation

    Explanation of failures in education resulting from factors such as substandard housing and low income
  • Minorities are more likely to face material deprivation problems according to Palmer
  • Ethnic minority children living in low income households

    • Almost half
    • A quarter of white children
  • Ethnic minorities unemployment rate compared to whites
    • Twice as likely
  • Ethnic minority households homelessness rate compared to whites
    • Around three times as likely
  • Bangladeshi and Pakistani workers earning £7 per hour

    • Almost half
    • A quarter of white British workers
  • Reasons why some ethnic minorities are at greater risk of material deprivation

    • Live in economically depressed areas with high unemployment and low wage rates
    • Cultural factors like tradition of purdah preventing women from working outside home
    • Lack of language skills and foreign qualifications not recognised
    • Asylum seekers not allowed to work
    • Racial discrimination in labour and housing markets
  • Such inequalities are reflected in the proportion of children from different ethnic groups who are eligible for free school meals
  • Material deprivation explanation

    Explains why Bangladeshi and Pakistani pupils tend to do worse than Indian and white pupils
  • Indian pupils

    • Generally above average achievements
    • More likely to attend private schools at twice the rate of whites and five times that of blacks
  • Failing to take the different class positions of ethnic groups into account when comparing their educational achievement is a danger as it can overstate the effect of cultural deprivation and understate the effect of poverty and material deprivation
  • Indian and Chinese pupils who are materially deprived do better than most white pupils who are not materially deprived
  • Material deprivation and social class factors do not completely override the influence of ethnicity
  • The effects of low income were much less for other ethnic groups than for white pupils
  • Poverty itself is the product of racism according to some sociologists
  • Racial discrimination leads to social exclusion
  • There is evidence of direct deliberate discrimination against ethnic minority job applicants compared to white applicants