committed to the individual widening of the franchise, and self-determination. W.E. Gladstone was a key Liberal PM
Lib Dems
in 1981, received a boost from a break away from Labour. the SDP and Liberals joined together. in 2010 they came into coalition with the conservatives. Damaged their reputation as they became associated with austerity, u-turning on tuition fees and saw a more proportional system rejected in the AV vote. 2015 went down from 23% to 8% of the vote. 2019 to 11% however only 11 seats.
2007, formed a minority government. SNP's majority in 2011 meant Westminster allowed an independence referendum in 2014. 2015 they won 56/59 Scottish MP's. oppose austerity, increase top rate of income tax, pro-Europe, support further devolution etc
2015 election, received 2% of the vote, 3m votes and only 1 seat. their rise in popularity contributed heavily to the Tories shift to the right. they agreed in 2019 to not put up candidates in Tory safe-seats