td tissu conjonctif

Cards (29)

  • collagens fibres are orginazed in undulating bundales of parallel fibres they have the same refractive index as the fondamental amorphous substance so they are rfractive
  • what is a tobocolagene
    conbinition of colagenes association de 3chaine aa A polypeptidic
  • they are highly resistance to to traction but they are not elastic
  • where do they located
    organe capsule bone cartilage tenden bandles
  • how does it formated 

    fibre fibriles microfibriles tropocolgene 3A polypeptides
  • topocollagen a trimer made up of 3monomers eache chaine is a helecale polypeptide whithe each turn measuring approximately 1nm and containig 3amino acide the 3 speral monomeres are in turn wouled arouned each other to form a helex and contain 10 aminoacide there end are not coiled ملتفة
  • where does the tropocolagene made,

    in the rought endoplasmic reteculum
  • tropocolagen
    compaine into a helecol triminer in the golgie complex
  • how does the elastin fibre look ender the light mcroscopie 

    form a rectilinea anastomosing network of fibre or fuse together to form fenestrated blades
  • how are the eastin fibre
    they are branched and refractive not anisotropic ender the polerasing microscopy but they become birefrigent when strached
  • where the elastin fibre licated
    lungs gall bladder elastic artrieas aorta
  • where do they located
    yellow ligaments neck ligament vocal ligament
  • from what does the elastin fibre made of
    from several tropoelastin monomers+microfibriles or fibrillin1+2 +MAGAP
  • WHAT IS THE COLOUR of elastine fibre
    dark red
  • molecule bas
    elastin protine soronded by microfibriles stabelased by MAGP bredges
  • elasten is made up of tropoelastine monomers btw which there are a stabelasing bridges of desmosin and isodesmosin
  • from what do the cross linked fibreby produced
    by celles of reticulated tc dreved from fibroblast
  • cross line fibre do not form a bundle, they form a delecat mesh or very thin fibriles that are interwoven
  • cross linked fibres made up of tropocollagen molecules formed by polypeptede chain collagen 3
  • where do the cross linked fibre located
    tc of the spleen lymph noods and bone marrow there are allso retecular fibre independent of the retecular tissu cells in liver kidney muscl endocrin glands and basement membrane
  • what cl fibre it function
    giving suport and cleansing by filtration
  • واش يكونها
    thine fibres fibrils microfibrils tropocollagen 3chain polypeptid
  • cl fibre are more extacepol then the collagen fibre thaks to their lattics like constraction
  • cl fibre are less resistant to traction than collagen fibre
  • what is the basic substance
    its colloidal colourless transparent homogeneous viscour soloution slightly not positive
  • كيفاه تتشكل السفا
    the blast release GAG and core protien which combaine together to form protioglycan aggregates
  • what is the derivative of fibtoblast
    GAG core protein and glycoprotein
  • glycoprotien contain less then 60 suger proteioglycan(GAG+core protien( contain more then 60 sugare
  • what is the derevation of blood plazma
    water99 protien white very low moleculer wight gazes co2 and O2 hormones vitamens amio acid glicose metapolic products