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Cards (16)

  • "Lent"
    - word choice
    -Has religious connotations of sacrifice and a period of abstinence
    This suggests the subject of the poem is preparing to sacrifice what's left of her relationship having found out her partner as been cheating on her. This reflects her readiness to break up with him and....
  • (For Ever)
    - parenthesis
    - used to convey her certainty that the relationship is over and to emphasise that there is no hope for reconciliation. More over, enjambment elongates the phrase to make the amount of time seem even longer, further emphasising the permanence of their spilt.
    - this reflects
  • "Tearing foliage"

    - word choice
    - violent connotations of the verb used to describe the preparation of the meal reflects the hurt the subject feels making it
    - this reflects the subjects anger over the betrayal and....
  • "Anyway"
    - word choice
    - connotes being unphased and unbothered by the situation, suggestiong she doesnt care. This is emphasised by the clever use of enjambement to further convey her nonchalant attitude.
    - this effectively contrasts the feelings in previous lines which reflects her confused feelings over her husbands betrayal and the hurt she feels
  • "Oh Yes now will have to lie on"

    - word choice
    - clever play on the phrase 'made your bed now lie in it' which suggests the subject will force her partner to accept the consequences of his actions
    - this reflects
  • "Plus betrayal with a kiss"
    - word choice
    - betrayal has biblical connotations which effectively compare her partner to Judas and therefore suggests the subject sees infidelity as the ultimate betrayal.
    - this reflects
  • "That's rich"

    - idiom
    - this alludes to the food being rich but also to the woman ridiculing the man and his excuses
    - this callous manner reflects the women as...
  • "The Girls"
    -capital letters
    - used to emphasise her girlfriends importance and therefor reflects the strength of the bond she feels she has with these woman
    - therefor demonstrating ....
  • "Then something substantial"
    - metaphor
    - just as something substantial is filling and nourishing
    - so too will the speakers news provide her and her friends with ample to talk about for a long time and is a fascinating topic.
    This effectively....
  • "Cackling around the Cauldron"
    - the guttural alliteration effectively creates a deep and harsh sound
    -which reflects a more sinister tone and creates a negative impression of the woman which is further emphasises by the parallels drawn between them and witches in Macbeth
  • "Spitting"
    - onomatopoeia
    - suggests to the reader the Girls are eating in an unsavoury manner, devouring the meal as if it was their prey which emphasises the woman's determination to uncover every detail of the relation ship
    -reflecting the speaker and her friends in a gross light
  • "Gorged"
    - word choice
    - connotes gluttony and voracity which emphasises that the woman were full on the failings of the man
    This reflects
  • "Hunting"

    -word choice
    - connotes stalking and preying
    This suggests the woman are predators and alludes to them purposefully looking for drama for the fun of it
    Reflecting ...
  • "Preening like corbies "

    - Word choice
    - alludes to poem " the twa corbies" about birds discussing how they plan on picking over a carcass but similarly it also alludes two the woman being predators and are proud of themselves
    - reflecting...
  • "Intricate irony"
    - effectively slows the lines of the poem which in turn suggests that the feast is something to be savoured and enjoyed slowly, to ensure no morsel of gossip is left undiscussed.
    - This reflects the woman as greedy, displaying their rapacious nature and...
  • "Gristlier bits of his giblets"

    - illiteration
    - the repeated g sound effects creates a growling sound within the lines, suggesting the image of the woman guzzling the feast before them in a predatory manner
    - reflecting their carnivorous nature and...