Christians believe God will resurrect them before Judgement Day
Jesus told people the new mode of existence would be different from the earthly one - perishable on earth, raised imperishable (a spiritual body)
The Catholic Church believes the resurrection will be a bodily one, with people receiving their old body but transformed into a glorified state in which suffering will not exist
Christians believe it is God who decides the fate of those who die, taking into account the life of the person and the extent to which they have tried to get close to him, by following the teaching and example of Jesus
At the end of time on Judgement Day all souls will be judged - the sheep represent those who will be saved and the goats are those who will be condemned
Christians use earthly images to explain their understanding of heaven, which is a state of being rather than a physical place, being with God outside time and space
People often see heaven in a way they see their present lives, often described in a way that would appeal to them now
The afterlife influences Christians as they know that God will be their ultimate judge, and if they live Christian lives and believe in Jesus then heaven is open to them
The afterlife offers hope and comfort that this life is not the end and that God is waiting for them
The Bible: 'Since death comes from man, resurrection of the dead also comes through a man. Christians believe their soul will be raised after death and will go to heaven/hell based on their actions.'