Crucifixon, resurrection and ascension

Cards (13)

  • Crucifixion
    Roman method of execution by which criminals were fixed to a cross, the execution and death of Jesus on Good Friday
  • Resurrection
    Rising from the dead; Jesus rising from the dead on Easter day. An event recorded in all 4 gospel and the central belief of Christianity
  • Ascension
    The event, 40 days after the resurrection, when Jesus returned to God, the Father, in heaven
  • Reasons jesus had to die
    At the time Jesus’ teachings gave a new understanding of the Torah, which brought him into direct conflict with Jewish leaders. The Roman governor was under pressure to keep a peaceful land, so came down hard on any religious rebellion.
    Jesus had to die to fulfil God’s plan. Without his death humans could not be reunited with God and enter heaven. Jesus atoned for the sins of humanity, bringing God and humankind back together.
  • beliefs about the crucifixion
    Jesus was convicted of blasphemy by the Jewish authorities and was put to death for treason under Roman law. He wasn’t spared the pain and horror of his crucifixion and suffered like a human. Forgave the guards who crucified him and spoke with the two men crucified with him, promising one that he would soon join him in paradise.
    Mark’s Gospel says that at the point of death, the temple curtain tore in two – believed by some to show that Jesus’ death had destroyed the barrier of sin that separated humankind from God, therefore making it possible to access God.
  • Influence of crucifixion
    The crucifixion gives Christians confidence that if they accept Jesus; sacrifice, sin can no longer destroy their lives because God forgives those who faithfully ask for forgiveness.
    Christians believe that suffering is a part of life, just as it was a part of Jesus’ life and that, having also experienced it, God understands what the sufferer is going through.
  • beliefs about resurrection
    The Bible makes it clear the body of Jesus was nowhere to be found with an empty tomb, a fact that was reported to the disciples. Christians believe the women met a man/two men, who may have been angels, who told them Jesus had risen from the dead and that they should pass the word on to his followers.
    The belief Jesus rose from the dead is known as the resurrection and is a key teaching in Christianity. It is significant evidence for Christians of the divine nature of Jesus.
  • Influence of resurrection on Christians today
    The resurrection is the central element of Christian belief – if Jesus simply died then he is no different to others who may have died for their beliefs/as punishment for going against the authorities. It makes their faith complete and affirms that it is true.
    Christians also believe that if Jesus can overcome death as a human, like the, then they can also overcome death and enter heaven as Jesus did. They believe that Jesus showed us his Father’s power by what he did.
  • Christian beliefs about the ascension
    Christians believe that Jesus chose when he would ascend (rise) to heaven after speaking with his disciples. This happened on the 40th day after the resurrection.
    Christians believe that the ascension was the successful completion of his mission and return to God. The Bible records that at Bethany, Jesus blessed his disciples before being taken up.
  • Influence of ascension
    For Christians, the ascension shows that Jesus is with God the Father in Heaven, no longer limited to living on Earth. It paves the way for the coming of the Holy Spirit to provide comfort and guidance.
    The ascension demonstrates God’s omnipotence and shows that Jesus really had overcome death – he wasn’t resurrected to die again, but to live forever.
  • The Bible records that Jesus called out “My God, why have you forsaken me?” Christians believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully human and wasn’t spared the horror of his execution.
  • The Bible says, “He is not here, he is risen.” The resurrection is the central belief of Christianity and shows how God triumphed over death.
  • The Bible says, “After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven.” Christians believe that the ascension wasn’t a sad event because Jesus had only left them in body, Jesus is still with his followers today.