hotel room 12th floor

Cards (10)

  • a helicopter skirting like a damaged insect
    simile- introduces images of modern technology but immediately criticises them
  • the empire state building, that jumbo sized dentist's drill
    connotations of pain and suffering
  • But now midnight has come in from foreign places 

    represents change, unknown, fear. "But" is key turning point - recongnises the contrast between light and dark
  • uncivilised darkness shot at by a million lit windows, all ups and acrosses
    "shot" - violence, crime. "lit windows" - contrast to darkness shows good vs evil. "acrosses" - reference to religion further explores good vs evil
  • But midnight is not so easily defeated
    it's inevitable - despite all efforts crime cannot be unavoidable
  • I lie in bed, between a radio and television set

    cannot escape modern technology. feeling of being trapped
  • wildest of warwhoops continually ululating
    "wildest of warwhoops" - alliteration highlights brutality and war cries. "ululating" - onomatopoeia howl/wail intensifies feeling that somethiing bad is coming
  • broken bones, the harsh screaming from Coldwater flats
    synecdoche- reduces to peoples body parts suggests the place of humans in society has been lost
  • blood glazed on sidewalks 

    (more of synecdoche)
  • no stockades can keep the midnight out
    inevitable - metaphorical danger and distress it can bring