week 1

Cards (22)

  • Operations management

    The management process that converts inputs (such as materials, labour, and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and services)
  • Scope of operations

    To get the delivery done
  • Competitive advantage
    Need vs want → a problem leads to a need; solution offering creates a want → this all leads to competitive advantage
  • what gives you competitive advantage?
    • Unique selling points
  • Performance objectives
    • Cost
    • Dependability
    • Speed
    • Flexibility
    • Sustainability
  • Role of operations
    Deliver the products in order to sell the goods and to satisfy the customers
  • The 4 V's
    • Volume → size of scale of the output eg how many items are manufactured
    • Variety → size of product range or number of services offered
    • Variance → how the level of demand changes over time and thereby affects the volume of outputs (short term or seasonal)
    • Variability → the extent to which each product or service may be customised or not
  • The difference between 'production management' and 'operations management'
  • 6 forms of organisation

    • Simple
    • Functional
    • Divisional
    • Conglomerate
    • Hybrid/matrix
    • Virtual
  • What are the four Vs and what do each relate to?
  • How are services and manufacturing supposed to be different?
  • Servuction system

    How it has changed over the years
  • Operations is about making products or executing services like restaurants and banks
  • Operations Management
    The planning and organizing of the production of manufactured goods and delivery of services
  • Competitive Advantage

    To sell your product in competitive markets, you have to be better than the competition, as judged by the customer based on the expected satisfaction of needs
  • Performance Objectives

    • Cost
    • Quality
    • Flexibility
    • Dependability
    • Speed
    • Sustainability: contributing to a sustainable future for environment, people and business
  • Performance Objectives are a powerful instrument for customers, marketing departments, companies, and analysts/consultants
  • Cost
    For the Consumer: all costs to get the product to the customer
    For the Company: if the company lowers its cost, the company can lower prices, increase profits, or do both
  • Role of Operations

    Operations is the function in organizations that must provide the physical products and the services that the company can market profitably
  • Operations interfaces with the customer when customer order entry is a part of Operations, when customer service is an Operations responsibility, when things go wrong in deliveries, and often in service industries
  • Interfaces between Operations and other business functions
    Longer Term: Strategic Planning, Sales & Ops Planning, Budget Planning
    Shorter Term: Marketing & Sales Plans, Capacity Plan, Production Scheduling
  • Your effectiveness in your future work will be determined by your knowledge of the world that you live in and how you use that knowledge in your work