
Cards (48)

  • Data
    Entities that convey meaning within a computer. Example: A computer file names, address stored in hard disk
  • Signals
    Electric or electromagnetic impulses used to encode and transmit data
  • Signals
    • Transmission of a telephone conversion over a telephone line
    • Live television news interview transmitted over a satellite
    • Transmission of a term paper over the printer cable between printer and computer
    • Downloading of a webpage as it transfers over the wifi connection between your ISP and your home computer
  • Noise
    Unwanted electrical or electromagnetic energy that degrades the quality of signals
  • Analog waveform
    • Difficult to separate noise from original signals
  • Digital waveform
    • Ability to separate noise from the signal is one of the great strengths
  • Amplitude
    Height of the wave above or below a given reference point as the signal's strength or power of wave
  • Frequency

    Number of times a signal makes a complete cycle within a given time frame
  • Period
    Length, time intervals of one cycle
  • Phase
    Position of a wave form relative to a given moment of time, or relative to time zero that indicate a change in type of bits being transmitted
  • Data to signals conversion
    1. Analog data to analog signals: amplitude modulation and frequency modulation techniques
    2. Digital data to analog signals: modulation techniques
    3. Digital data to digital signals: encoding techniques
    4. Analog data to digital signals: digitalization techniques
  • Modulation
    Process of modifying or changing a carrier signal in order to encode information for transmission
  • Types of modulation methods

    • Analog-to-analog conversion: Amplitude modulation (AM), Frequency modulation (FM), Phase modulation (PM)
    • Digital-to-analog conversion: Amplitude-shift keying (ASK), Frequency-shift keying (FSK), Phase-shift keying (PSK)
    • Analog-to-digital conversion: Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), Pulse code modulation (PCM)
    • Digital-to-digital conversion: Unipolar encoding, Polar encoding: Non-return-to zero (NRZ) encoding, Bipolar encoding
  • Amplitude Modulation (AM)
    Changes the height of the signal
  • Amplitude Modulation (AM)
    • Highly influenced by noise and interference from external sources like thunderstorm
    • May cause changes to the data transmitted (errors occur in the data)
    • Requires error correction method
  • Frequency Modulation (FM)

    Changes the number of waves in the signal
  • Frequency Modulation (FM)

    • Less influenced by external sources (would not be interrupted by a passing thunderstorm)
    • Less sensitive to errors
    • Can reduce the need for error correction
  • Phase Modulation (PM)

    Changes the direction of the signal wave
  • Phase Modulation (PM)

    • The amplitude and frequency of the signal are the same
    • Phase shift refers to the change in the type of bits being transmitted
  • Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

    The strength of the carrier signal is different to represent binary 1 or 0
  • Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

    • Highly susceptible/sensitive to noise interference
    • Noise may be caused by heat/electromagnetic
  • Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

    The frequency of the carrier signal is different to represent binary 1 or 0
  • Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

    • The amplitude and phase are the same
    • Used for high-frequency (4 to 30 MHz) radio transmission and on LANs using coaxial cable
  • Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

    The phase of the carrier signal is different to indicate the binary 1 or 0
  • Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

    • The amplitude and frequency are the same
    • The phase of the signal for each bit during a duration is the same
  • Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)

    Based on the height (amplitude) of the electrical pulse to identify the signal to be transmitted
  • Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
    • Takes an analog signal, samples it and generates a series of pulses (after the sampling)
    • Sampling - measures the amplitude at equal intervals
    • Not useful in data communication because the signal after conversion is still in analog, need to use PCM to make it digital
  • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
    To create a completely digital signal
  • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

    1. PAM encoding - to get sample signal
    2. Quantization technique - to get an integer value (0 - 255) to the samples
    3. Binary encoding - convert integer value to the binary value in 7 bits + 1 bit (in front) for sign
    4. Digital encoding - use any
  • Phase of signal for each bit during a duration
    The value depends on the bit (0 or 1)
  • Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

    Digital-to-analog conversion based on the height (amplitude) of the electrical pulse to identify the signal to be transmitted
  • Line coding

    • The process of converting digital data to digital signals
    • Converts a sequence of bits to a digital signal
    • At the sender side digital data are encoded into a digital signal and at the receiver side the digital data are recreated by decoding the digital signal
  • Unipolar encoding

    • Very simple and very primitive
    • Uses only 1 voltage level - positive
    • Presence of voltage pulse - indicate a Binary bit 1 - positive
    • Absence of voltage pulse - indicate a Binary bit 0 - zero
    • The value 1 is encoded as Positive polarity and 0 is encoded as zero voltage
    • It is very inexpensive to implement
  • Polar encoding

    • Uses 2 voltage levels, both positive and negative levels
    • Two types - (non-return zero encoding) - NRZ- L (level) & NRZ - I (Invert)
    • NRZ-L: Binary bit 0 - Positive, Binary bit 1 - Negative
    • NRZ-I: Binary bit 0 - no transition, Binary bit 1 - there is a transition - e.g. It will convert positive to negative and negative to positive
  • Bipolar encoding

    • Two types: AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) & Pseudoternary
    • AMI: Binary 0 indicated by zero voltage, Binary 1 indicated by alternating positive and negative voltage
    • Pseudoternary: Opposite of AMI, Binary 0 indicated by alternating positive and negative voltage, Binary 1 indicated by zero voltage
  • Simplex transmission

    • The communication is unidirectional, as on a one-way street
    • Only one of the two devices on a link can transmit; the other can only receive
  • Half-duplex transmission

    • Each station can both transmit and receive, but not at the same time
    • When one device is sending, the other can only receive, and vice versa
  • Full-duplex transmission

    • Both stations can transmit and receive simultaneously
    • The capacity of the channel must be divided between the two directions
  • Serial transmission

    • Transmit data one bit at a time
    • Use one communication line to transmit entire character 1 bit at a time
    • When the entire character is breaking into bits to send one, the receiver need to reassemble the bits into a proper character
  • Parallel transmission

    • Transmit data one character (8 bits - 1 bit per line) at a time - faster
    • Uses multiple line to transmit the entire character at a time
    • If a character = 8 bits, need 8 lines to transmit 8 bits (each line = 1 bit), where the 8 lines will accommodate to a single line - expensive