DISEASE an abnormalities that can cause physical or emotional stress and pain. There’s a certain symptoms to a specific problem with the body.
DISEASE ✓ Transmittable ✓ Curable ✓ Caused due to external factors *bacteria, virus, infection
DISORDER ▪ A disruption of the usual body functions. It is caused by something inside like genetic or external forces. ▪ It is physical or mentalconditions that are not healthy or normal.
DISORDER ✓Nottransmittable✓Notcurablebutmanageable ✓Caused due to internalabnormalities and certain kind of lifestyle.
DANDRUFF (Seborrhea or Seborrheicdermatitis) ➢It is an oily large flakes of dead skin that lie on the scalp. ➢It is caused by MALASSEZIAfungus a yeast infection in hair follicles.
CAUSES OF DANDRUFF ✓ Poordiet ✓ Hormonalimbalance ✓ Impairmentofgeneralhealth ✓ Stress ✓ Overuse of hair products ✓ Frequent exposure to extreme temperature ✓ Infection
HOW TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF? ➢Dandruff can be treated by using medicated shampoo or gentle shampoo to reduce oil and skin cell buildup. ➢You may used home remedies like Applecidervinegar, baking soda, aloevera.
FLAKY OR DRY SCALP ➢It occurs when the scalp lacks or loses moisture. ➢The scalp produces tiny flakes that fall onto the shoulders.
FLAKY OR DRY SCALP caused by: ✓ Lack of sebum ✓ Stress ✓ Hereditary traits ✓ Vitamin deficiency ✓ Pollution
TREATMENT FOR DRY OR FLAKY SCALP ✓Switch to a gentle, moisturizing shampoo. ✓Wash your hair less frequently. ✓Manage your stress. ✓Drink morewater.
SPLITENDS ✓It is a damaged cuticles and separated strands of the cortex. ✓It is easily split anywhere along the shaft.
HOW TO GET RID OF SPLIT ENDS? ✓Split ends cannot be repaired. The only remedy is to trim or cut the hair.
DRY HAIR ✓ Dry hair develops when your hair doesn't get or retain enough moisture. ✓ The hair looks dull and has no appeal that tangles easily and difficult to brush or comb especially when wet.
Causes of Dry hair ✓ Lack of natural oil(sebum) ✓ Excessive perming, coloring of the hair ✓ Too much exposure from the sun ✓ Overwashing of hair ✓ Excessive heat styling
DRY HAIR TREATMENT ✓ Avoid chemicalhair treatment ✓ Avoid using heatstyling ✓ Use moisturizing hair products
OILY HAIR ✓It is the result of the sebaceous glands in the scalp that produces large amounts of oil. ✓Your hair may look greasy or shiny. ✓Oily hair is susceptible to dandruff.
Causes of Oily hair ➢ The scalp has biggeroil glands. ➢ Eating too much fatty foods. ➢ Over washing ➢ Hormonal imbalance
Treatment for oily hair ➢ Increase how often you wash your hair. ➢ Choose the rightshampoo. ➢ Rinse your hair thoroughly t avoid leaving any hair product residue. ➢ Don’t brush your hair too much.
BAMBOO HAIR ✓ It is a hair shaft abnormality that causes the hair strands to have a knotty appearance. ✓ Bamboo hair can affect hair on top of the head, the eyebrows, and the eyelashes. ✓ The hair is usually dry, brittle and prone to breakage.
BAMBOO HAIR Most cases of bamboo hair are caused by Netherton syndrome. It’s an inherited condition that results in red,flakyskin all over the body and allergy problems.
Treatment for Bamboo hair There is notreatment for this condition. It is a lifelong condition. But there are many types of lotions and ointments you can use.
Cause of Bamboo hair ✓Weakness on the cortex layer of the hair.
HEADLICE (PediculusHumanusCapitis) A tiny, wingless insect that live in the hair on the head and feed on blood from the human head.
HEADLICE ✓ Headlice are only able to live on human head. If not attached to a human. They are unable to live beyond 3days
HEADLICE ✓NITS are the eggs of headlice and usually yellow to white in color. It takes about 8-9days to hatch. ✓The nit hatches into a baby louse called NYMPH. ✓Adult louse can live up to 3-4weeks on a person’s head.
Symptoms ✓ Extreme itching on the scalp, neck, ear. ✓ A tickling feeling like something is crawling on the scalp ✓ Sores on the head from scratching.
Caused by: A parasitic infection
How is it transmitted? ✓Headlice are transmitted from one person to another by direct contact( head-to-headcontact) and indirect contact by using infested items like combs, brushes, towels hats, etc.
Treatment for Headlice ✓Combing the hair using finetoothed comb from the scalp to the end of the hair. ✓Used an over the counter and prescribed medications or shampoo that remove headlice.
RINGWORM Is it caused by fungal infection that is itchy, red and round spot/rash
Cause of Ringworm Fungalskin or scalp infection
Treatment for Ringworm Apply antifungal cream, lotions or powder on the affected area
ALOPECIA AREATA It is an auto-immune disorder that attacks the hair follicles causing hair loss.
ALOPECIAAREATA TOTALIS Complete loss of hair on the scalp.
ALOPECIAAREATAUNIVERSALIS Complete loss of hair on the scalp and body
DIFFUSE ALOPECIAAREATA Results in sudden and unexpected thinning of the hair.
Causes of Alopecia Areata In alopecia areata, your immune system attacks your hair follicles, the structures from which hairs grow. When the follicles become smaller and stop producing hair, it leads to hair loss.
Certain health conditions: Downsyndrome, thyroiddisease, and vitiligo are some conditions that can increase the chance of developing alopecia areata. •Vitamin and mineral deficiencies: Inadequate intake of some nutrients.
Genetics: If a close family member has alopecia areata, you may be more likely to develop it.
Medical treatments You can rub medications into your scalp to help stimulate hair growth. A number of medications are available, both over the counter (OTC) and by prescription.