prac 3

Cards (13)

  • serous membrane covering each lung: visceral pleura
  • serous membrane lining inner surface of thoracic wall: parietal pleura
  • outmost membrane surrounding heart: fibrous pericardium
  • heart chambers and blood vessels blood flows through systemic circulation
    left ventricle, arteries, arterioles, capillary, venule, vein, vena cava, right atrium
  • heart chambers and blood vessels through pulmonary circulation 

    right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary vein, aorta
  • valves separating ventricles and atria: atrioventricular
  • valves separating ventricles from the arteries: aortic valve and pumlmonary valve
  • walls seprating pulmonary and systemic circulation: intraventricular and intratrial septia
  • AV valves are closed when ventricles contract
  • aortic and pulmonary valves are open when ventricles contract
  • blood vessels blood flows from heart to muscle in superior neck on right side and back to heart

    brachiocephalic trunk, carotid, subclavian, internal jugular vein, brachiocephalic vein, superior vena cava
  • three branches of arch of aorta in thorax
    carotid, subclavian, coronary
  • aorta inferior branches
    right and left common iliac