setofrules which provides remedies for damage caused by the tortfeasor to the victim.
Aim of tort is to prevent or compensateharm, not punish the wrongdoer.
Privatewrong, the suit will be filed by the wronged person since the wrongful act affects one person, not the society as a whole.
tort of causing foreseeable damage by unreasonable conduct, where there is a dutytotakecare.
To establish negligence, the defendant must prove on a balance of probabilities that :
The defendant owed him a duty of care
The dutywasbreach
As a consequence of the breach, he sustained damage.
Donoghuev.Stevensoncase, 1932 :
snail in the bottle case, individuals have a dutynottoharmtheirneighbours in a legal and generalsense, before it only existed in contractual relationships.
Then, Caparov.Dickman, 1990,
established a caparo test :
Fairandreasonable to hold such a duty.
Reaipsaloquitur :
the case can speakforitself.
« Butfor » test :
but for the defendant breachofduty, would the loss or damage have occurred?
Novusactusinterviene ( a new fact has occurred ) :
break of causation by a thirdparty or by the claimant himself.
Remoteness :
legalcausation, you cannot make someone indefinitelyresponsible for all the consequences of his wrongful act.
Egg shell skull :
you take the claimant as you findthem.
economic damage flowing from the physicaldamage to the claimant’s property
Pure economic loss
purely financialloss suffered which doesnotentailanyphysicaldamage
To establish a claim in pureeconomicloss, the claimants needs to establish that :
A proximate relationship by looking at whether the advice was required for a purpose
This purpose was made known
The advice was acteduponwithoutfurtherinquiry.
Psychiatricdamage :
damage flowing from witnessingwithunaidedsenses an accident in which a lovedone is involved.
Nuisance :
interference with a person’suseorenjoymentofland,, or in connection with it. ( excessive noise or noxious smell )
Factors taken into account for nuisance :
The character of the location ( ex. Car racing stadium )
The sensitivity of the claimant ( the judge will take into account the standard of an average, reasonable person. )
The duration of the nuisance ( if you have building works from 9 to 5PM, it is reasonable, not at night ).
The publicinterest ( if there is a benefit for the community for instance ).
The malice of the defendant ( quite rare, if the defendant show hostility towards the claimant ).
Type of statutory torts :
Product liability
Employer’s liability
Valid claim for breachofstatutoryduty :
The statute must allowacivilclaim
The claimant must be owed a dutyunderthestatute
The damage alleged is withinthescopeofthestatute
The defendant have breached a statutoryduty
The defendant’sbreach must have caused the claimant’sloss.
Restituoinintegrum :
the purpose of most damage is to putthevictimofthetortback in the situation he was beforethetortwascommitted.
Contractlaw :
body of law governing the creation and enforcement of binding agreements entered into by contractingparties.
Modern contract law has been shaped by 19thcenturyeconomictheory and the doctrineoflaissez-faire, freedom of contract.
Enforceablepromises are based on the notion of a bargain, in which there is an exchangeofsomekind.
Promises which are gratuitous ( nothing has been offered in exchange ) are not binding.
Parties are free to make their own bargains, if they are not illegal or contrary to publicpolicy.
are created through the exchangeofpromises by contracting parties. The contractual obligations arise at the moment the promisesareexchanged
In unilateral contracts,
one party promises to do something in the event that a certainact or service is performed, but there is nocorrespondingobligation on the promisee to undertake performance.
Elementsofcontract :
Intention to create legal relations
Agreement ( offer and acceptance )
Consideration ( something of legal value was given in exchange to the original offer )
Agreement :
offer by one party and a correspondingacceptance by the other party.
Offer :
the offeror indicates his willingness to do something ( or refrain from doing something ) without furthernegotiation.
where one party invites the other party to make an offer or enterintonegotiations. ( ex. Auction, displays in shop windows and advertisements )
An offeror can revoke his offer anytime before acceptance.
Offer may also be terminated by rejection, lapse of time, failure to satisfy a conditionprecedent or by a counter-offer.
Acceptance :
The offer is unqualifiedlyaccepted by the offeree.
The acceptance must be unqualified, must mirror the offer made.
A qualified acceptance is treated as a counter-offer.
The acceptance may be explicit or inferred from the offeree’sconduct.
In the case of a unilateraloffer, performance of the requiredact or service will constitute acceptance and entitle the promisee to enforce the original promise.
An agreement is not formed unless acceptance is communicated to the offeror.Silence will notamount to acceptance unless there is no doubt.
Communication can take anyform unless the offeror prescribes a particularmethod of acceptance.
When the communication is delayed between sending and receiving the communication, the « postalacceptancerule » states that the agreement is formed at the moment the communication is sent.
Consideration :
a contract will not be enforceable unless somethingofvalue is give en in exchange for the promise made by the offeree.
The consideration must be sufficient, not adequate, there is no requirement that the consideration be of equal monetary value to the original promise, but rather that it has some valuerecognized at law.
Past consideration ( act done before any promise is made ) cannot operate as validconsideration because it was not given in the context of an exchange.
will operate to prevent the first party from retracting his promise not to enforce certain rights.
Intention :
the parties intended to be bound by the agreement.