What was the procedure (3 conditions)
1. Dropped pen condition:
The experimenter walked at a moderate, practiced pace towards a pedestrian walking in the opposite direction
When the expmerimenter was 10 to 15 feet from the pppnt he reached into his pocket and dropped a pen, seeming to not notice he continued walking
The experimenter walked with a heavy limp and wore a large visible leg brace
When in 20 feet from the ppnt he dropped a pile of magazines and unsuccessfully struggled to bend down and ppick it up
3. Blind crossing the street condition:
The experimenter wore dark glasses and carried a white cane
The experimenter was trained in this role by a blind centre
The experimenter walked at a normal pedestrian flow and reached the crossing just before the green light, he put his cane out and waited for someone to help
The trial ended after 60 seconds or at the next red light, whichever came first