Expressed emotion

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  • Expressed emotion is a term used to represent quality and intensity of expression of a range of emotions within a family context.
  • ‘High expressed emotion’ refers to high levels of emotion expressed specifically towards the individual or within the family context.
  • George brown 

    joined a. Medical research unit in London in 1956, where the antipsychotic drug chorpromazine was being widely used. after individuals were stabilised with medication many were sent home, but readmitted sure to relapse
  • Brown
    Investigated 156 men with schizophrenia after they had been discharged. he found that relapse was strongly connected with the type of time men went home to.
  • Those who Went home to wives or parents were more likely to relapse compared to those who lived in lodgings with their siblings
  • Through interviews he found a relationship between the amount of expressed emotion (EE) and the likelihood of relapse