All children brought into a room to play for 10 mins
In the aggressive condition this was whilst the model attempted to assemble the tinker toy set and after 1 minute gave up and started verbally and physically abusing the Bobo doll for the rest of the time
Verbal abuse was: "sock it in the nose", "throw him in the air", "Pow"
Physical abuse was: repeatedly punching it in the nose, striking it over the head with a mallet
In the non-aggressive condition the model quietly assembled the tinker toy set, ignoring the Bobo doll
After this all children were brought into a second room for aggression arousal
They were told they could play with these attractive toys but after 2 mins the experimenter told them they couldn't anymore as they were reserved for other children
After this the children were brought into a third room and observed for 5 mins whilst the observer recorded imitation,