Cards (7)

  • What was the background?
    Piaget's theory of moral development
  • What was the aim?

    To investigate evidence to support Kohlberg's theory of moral development
    The theory was
    1. Pre-conventional
    - Punishment- obedience orientation
    - Instrumental-relativist orientation
    2. Conventional
    - Good boy- good girl orientation
    - Law and order orientation
    3. Post-conventional
    -social contract orientation
    - Universal principles orientation
  • What was the sample?

    75 American boys
    studied for 12 years
    from ages 10-16 to 22-28
    Also boys of different ages from the UK, Canada, Mexico, Taiwan and Turkey
  • What was the method?

    Longitudinal study
    using interviews to collect data
    Also a cross-cultural study (UK, Canada, Mexico, Taiwan and Turkey)
  • What was the procedure?

    Done over 12 years
    Every 3 years all the boys were presented with a moral dilemma
    The moral dilemmas were based on 25 moral concepts
    Questions such as "Is it better to save the life of one important person or a lot of unimportant people?"
    Kohlberg extended this to the UK, Canada, Mexico, Taiwan and Turkey by asking boys of different ages moral dilemmas
  • What were the results?

    Based on ppnts answers, Kohlberg proved that we go through 3 stages of moral development
    Not all reasoning fit into the stages (50% fit neatly)
  • What were the conclusions?

    Children, adolescents and young adults all go through the same 3 stages of moral development (pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional) with 6 stages
    Although the rate of moral development is different, people in different cultures will still go through the same moral development.