Cards (8)

  • What was the aim?

    To test the effect of culture on children's moral evaluation of lying and truth telling
  • What was the sample?

    120 Chinese children (60 boys and 60 girls)
    108 Canadian children (roughly half boys and girls)
  • What was the method?
    Lab experiment
    using an independent measures design
  • What were the independent variables?

    The Independent variables were:
    - Whether ppnt heard social or physical story
    -Whether ppnt heard pro-social or anti-social story
    - Age of ppnt
    - Ethnicity of ppnt
  • What were the dependent variables?
    - The rating of the story character's deed
    - The rating of the story character's what was said
  • What was the procedure?

    The children were read 4 scenarios; 2 pro-social and 2 anti-social
    The children were tested individually and the meaning of words and symbols were explained and repeated before every question
    The deed section of the story was read first and the children were asked "Is what ______ did good or naughty?", the children then gave a rating
    Then the what was said section was read and the children were asked the same question and then gave a rating
    The ratings were done on a 7-point rating chart ( ranging from very very good= 3 red stars to very very naughty= 3 black crosses)
    To reduce order effects, the order of the stories and the words "good" and "naughty" were alternated
    The children took part in a post-experimental discussion
  • What were the results?

    Anti-social/ truth telling:
    - both cultures rated anti-social behaviour very similarly

    Pro-social/ truth telling:
    -The children rated pro-social behaviour very similarly
    -BUT the chinese children rated the truth telling negatively as they grew up- self-effacement

    Pro-social/ lie telling:
    - The canadian children rated lie-telling negatively but a little less as age increased
    -The chinese childrens ratings of lie-telling went from negative to positive as age increased-self-effacement
  • What were the conclusions?

    There is a strong relationship in sociocultural experiences and moral development- cultural norms affect moral development
    Chinese children rated pro-social truth-telling less positively than Canadian children
    The children had similar judgements of lie/truth telling in antisocial situations
    Moral development is affected by culture and the environment eg. Chinese children practice self-effacement and modesty