Cards (8)

  • What was the aim?

    To build on existing research to assess if delay of gratification in childhood predicts impulse control ability and sensitivity to social cues in adults
  • What was the sample?

    562 4-year olds took part in a delay of gratification test
    They all went to Stanford bing nursery
    155 took part in a questionnaire in their 20s
    59 took part in exp 1
    27 took part in exp 2
  • What was the method?

    Longitudinal, quasi-experiment
    IV- whether the ppnt was a high or low delayer (naturally occurring)
    DV exp1: Performance on the impulse control test
    DV exp2: Imaging results using fMRI
  • What was the procedure? (Experiment 1)

    59 ppnts already assigned as high or low delayers from childhood took part in 2 versions of the go/no go task
    1. The cool version- ppnts were shown either a female or a male face as the stimuli- each gender was assigned as "go" or "no go"
    Ppnts were told to click the button on the "go" stimulus
    2. The hot version was identical but this time the stimulus was fearful or happy faces
    The stimuli were shown for 500ms with a 1-sec interval
    160 trials were done in a pseudorandom order
    The task was a programme on a laptop sent to ppnts homes
    Accuracy and reaction time were recorded
  • What was the procedure? (Experiment 2)

    An fMRI scanner was used to detect neural connections with delay of gratification
    Ppnts took part in the hot version of the go/no go task
    Stimuli were shown for 500ms with ranging intervals
    Tasks were viewable through a rear projector and had a five-buttoned response pad which recorded button responses and response time
  • What were the results? (Experiment 1)

    The reaction time was similar in both groups
    Low delayers showed more difficulty suppressing emotions
    In the "go/no go" trial:
    -"Go"- ppnts gave similarly accurate responses
    -"No-go"- low delayers made more mistakes

    In the "cool/hot" trials
    -"Cool"- ppnts gave similarly accurate responses
    -"Hot"- low delayers performed more poorly
  • What were the results? (Experiment 2)

    The reaction time and accuracy was the same as experiment 1
    The right inferior frontal gyrus was involved in accurately withholding responses (more active in high delayers)
    The ventral striatum was more active in the happy face no-go trial for low delayers (overall more active in low delayers)
  • What were the conclusions?

    The right inferior front gyrus is associated with being able to delay gratification
    The ventral striatum is associated with impulsivity and not being able to delay gratification
    Delay of gratification is stable across the lifetime