
Cards (6)

  • What was the aim?

    To test the effect of the environment on the visual development of kittens`
  • What was the sample?
    Lab raised kittens from birth to 1 year
  • What was the method?

    Lab experiment
    using the independent measures design
    IV- if kittens saw horizontal or vertical line
    DV- behaviour of kittens after
  • What was the procedure?

    All kittens raised from birth in a dark room
    At 2 weeks old (until 5 months old) the kittens were put in a cylindrical apparatus with a glass bottom and no edges so kittens could move freely
    In the cylindrical apparatus the kittens saw either horizontal or vertical lines
    The kittens wore collars so they couldn't see their own body
    The kittens spent 5 hours every day in the cylindrical apparatus
    At 5 months old, after passing the critical period of visual development, the kittens were placed in a well-lit room with furniture for several hours a day to observe behaviour
  • What were the results?

    When first placed in the well lit room all kittens showed visual deficits- no reactiono/ startle when something was thrust towards them
    They also showed lack of visual placiing- if moved towards a table then kittens didnt put out their legs preemptively- they were navigating with touch not sight
    BUT after 10 hours in the room the visual deficits were gone- apart from some- jerking head movements, trying to reach something that was very out of reach, bumped into things
    A rod was put in front of the kittens and if presented horizontally then only the horizonatlly raised kitten would have a reaction to it and vice versa
    Vertically raised kittens were practically blind to horizontal stimuli
    When 2 kittens brain activity was observed- the horizontally raised kitten had no vertical neurones and vice versa
  • What was the conclusion?
    A kittens visual cortex may adjust to the nature of its experience