
Cards (9)

  • What are the stages of histological examination of a specimen
    1. Dissection
    2. Fixation to arrest biological activity and prevent tissue degradation
    3. Dehydration to prevent tissue damage
    4. Embedding
    5. Sectioning
  • What is immunohistochemistry
    The use of antibodies to label specific proteins or cells.
  • what stain is used for T-cells
  • What type of cells are these, and what are their function.
    Simple columnar epithelium cells.
    They make up absorptive and secretory surfaces.
  • What type of tissue are these cells from
    Brain tissue.
    These cells have a thin Axon for rapid cell to cell communication.
  • What type of tissue is this, and what are the features.
    Smooth Muscle tissues.
    They elongate cells in order to maximise the contractions.
  • What type of cells are these and what are the functions
    Stratified epithelia.
    Protective functions.
  • What are the main features of the human tissue act.
    Regulates the activity of tissue use. Requires informed consent. You cannot analyse the DNA without consent.
  • What year was the human tissue act