definitions of vocab (GCSE music)

Cards (38)

  • what is a perfect cadence?
    A cadence is made by two chords at the end of a piece of music. Perfect cadences sound as though the music has come to an end. A perfect cadence is formed by the chords V - I.
  • what is a contrapuntal texture?
    contrapuntal music is that which contains nearly independent melodies that are each given equal value.
  • what is texture in a piece?
    Texture describes how layers of sound within a piece of music interact.
  • what does MADTSHIRT stand for when writing a long answer question?
    melody, articulation, dynamics, tempo, stucture, harmony, intrumentation, rhythm, texture
  • what are dynamics?
    volume of the music
  • what is tempo in music
    how fast the piece is
  • what is melody in music
    sequence of notes involving pitch
  • what is harmony in music?
    When notes are played at the same time it is called harmony.
  • what is tonality?
    The type of harmony created in a piece of music or a song is the tonality of the music.
  • what is articulation?
    Articulation shows how smoothly something is played (e.g. staccato or legato)
  • what is structure?
    most music is divided into different sections. They can be indentified by keys, melodies, lyrics or chord progressions.
  • what is rhythm?
    the organisation of sounds by their length (e.g. crochets, semiquavers)
  • what does the term monophonic mean?
    a single line of music
  • what does the term polyphonic mean?
    two or more lines of music
  • what does unison mean?
    all singing/playing the same thing together
  • what is a drone?
    a long sustained note
  • what is a mode?
    a white note scale
  • what is imitation?
    where one part copies another immediately
  • what is counterpoint?
    two or more independent lines that weave in and out of each other
  • what are terraced dynamics?
    sudden changes in volume add tension and excitement
  • what are triplets?
    playing 3 notes in the space of 2
  • what is codetta?
    a dominant tonic cadence at the end of the exposition that may be repeated several times for emphasis
  • what is trill?
    a rapid alternation of a note with one a semitone or tone above
  • what does conjunct mean?
    a melody that moves in distinct steps or intervals, smoothly, and in a connected way
  • what is a perfect cadence?
    Perfect cadences sound as though the music has come to an end. A perfect cadence is formed by the chords V-I
  • what is functional harmony?
    follows typical traditional purposes
  • what is a dotted rhythm?
    a dot after a note which increases its value by half again
  • what does augmented mean?
    Augmentation is when a musical idea is repeated but with the note values doubled, which doubles the length of the idea.
  • what is polytonality?
    Use of multiple keys at the same time
  • what is ambiguous tonality?
    Ambiguous tonality is when a piece of music does not clearly establish a key or tonal center - common in pop songs
  • what does syllabic mean?
    To make a word sound confident and clear the music will have one note per syllable
  • what is a concerto grosso?
    a concerto (piece) for a large number of instrumental parts
  • what are appoggiaturas?
    consists of an added non-chord note in a melody that is resolved to the regular note of the chord
  • what does diatonic mean?
    a scale consisting of seven different pitches within an octave
  • what is suspension?

    holding a consonant note while the underlying harmony changes, normally on a strong beat
  • what is a gigue?
    lively dance
  • what is melisma?
    group of notes or tones sung on one syllable
  • what does syncopated mean?