
Subdecks (1)

Cards (10)

  • What are norms?

    Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members
  • What are values?

    Core beliefs you hold regarding what is right and fair in terms of our actions and our interactions with others.
  • What are mores?

    Norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society; punishable; a crime
  • How have views on smoking changed?

    1920's - It was seen as glamorous and was encouraged
    1950's - Health risks became more apparent, Tabaco banned
    1987 - Kings Cross fire resulted in a smoking ban
    2000 - Toughest anti-smoking laws introduced (Health Act)
  • How have views on women's rights changed? 00's - 50's
    1900's - Suffragette movement. Women seen as inferior
    WW2 - Women took on roles of the men
    1940's - Tripartite system. Women artificially failed
    1950's - Golden era. Housewives. Sex outside of marriage carried a stigma. 'Shotgun weddings' more apparent
  • How have views on women's rights changed? 60's - Now

    1960's - Decade of change. Contraceptive now available
    1970's - Equal Pay Act 1970 and Sex Discrimination Act 1975
    Now - Women trying to break through glass ceiling