Conservative key thinkers

Cards (15)

  • The key thinkers for conservatism are:
    Thomas Hobbes: traditional
    Edmund Burke: Traditional
    Michael Oakshott: Traditional
    Ayn Rand: Neo Liberal (new right)
    Robert Nozick: Neo Liberal (new right)
  • Hobbes believed that:
    human nature is egotistical and likely to commit cruel and destructive acts.
    before the state there was no cooperation between individuals therefore no rights before the state.
    life without the state would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short"
  • Hobbes:
    humans have enough rationality to agree to enter into a social contract with the state. (He created the social contract theory)
    Humans crave familiarity.
    principal reason for the state is order and security and without the state there is no society.
    believes that society should be rooted in traditions, customs and institutions as well as a hierarchy
  • Hobbes:
    humans are not completely irrational as they prioritise self preservation and want to live without fear. therefore they give up some of their individual autonomy.
    inequality is natural and good as it encourages improvement the hierarchy organises the social classes and as each individual knows their place creates stability.
    opposed almost all change
  • Burke:
    "change to conserve"
    mankind tends to fail more than succeed
    utopia is unrealistic and perfectionist ideologies lead to failure and instability. (critical of the French Revolution)
    change should be based on facts and experience: pragmatism
    change must be cautious and organic
  • Burke:
    ruling class is inevitable and desirable however have an incentive to rule fairly.
    practises passed down through generations should be respected (empiricism and tradition)
    political change undertaken with great caution and organic.
    Humans band together due to imperfection and are not intentionally violent (naturally communal).
    poor understanding/ reasoning leads to irrational decisions therefore decisions should be made cautiously.
  • Burke:
    "little Platoons" see society as an assortment of mini communities unified to one nation.
    "change to conserve" conservatism is a form of change and its aim isn't to not change but to preserve society.
    supports an aristocracy as they are stronger and wiser and able to make better decisions
  • Hobbes: defends the aristocracy, supports feudalism, challenges change.
    Burke: defends hierarchy and empiricism but accepts gradual evolution to conserve society.
    Oakshott: prefers tested and trusted methods focuses on phycological imperfection therefore out decisions are flawed.
  • Oakshott:
    Humans are imperfect not immoral. incapable of perfect society. should work on keeping the boat steady not arriving at a destination.
    clear views on what society should be leads to frustration, impatience and intolerance.
  • Oakshott: wisdom achieved through experience, train and error and pragmatism. state exists to "prevent the bad rather than create the good"
    gov should govern in the interests of the people.
    supports an aristocracy.
  • Ayn Rand:
    "the small state is the strong state"
    without energy of talented individuals society would wither away.
    objectivism: we should be guided by self interest and rational self furfillment.
  • Ayn Rand:
    defended the free market and the right to choose.
    liberty is impossible without order which only the state can provide.
    society is a loose collection of individuals.
    supports negative freedoms and the rolling back of the state.
  • Robert Nozick:
    Growth of the welfare state creates a dependency culture.
    optimistic view of human nature.
    individuals have self ownership over abilities.
    need for formal authority.
  • Nozick:
    Minicharist state leads to small communities. They should outsource services to private companies.
    growth of the state is a threat to individuals.
    Humans are "Freedom loving pack animals"
  • Hobbes supports rule by absolute monarch
    Burke supports rule by a wiser and stronger aristocracy
    Oakshott accepts democracy but still hierarchical and unequal with institutions such as the House of Lords.
    traditional conservatives believe in Nobless Oblige