Cards (7)

  • There are difficulties in distinguishing between compliance and internalisation—we do not know how to measure public compliance and private acceptance
  • Normative influence

    People shape their behaviour to fit in with the group
  • Normative influence

    • Linkenbach and Perkins (2003) found that adolescents exposed to the simple message that the majority of their peers did not smoke were less likely to take up smoking
  • Informational influence

    We are influenced by others when we believe they know more than we do
  • Informational influence

    • Wittenbink and Henley (1996) found that participants exposed to negative information about African Americans later reported more negative beliefs about a black individual
  • Informational influence

    Can explain how we form public opinions
  • Informational influence and public opinions

    • Fein et al (2007) found judgements about presidential candidates in a debate were influenced by how others were reacting towards them