Biology Paper 1

Cards (31)

  • natural contraception
    • abstinence
    • rhythm method - avoid sex around ovulation
  • surgical contraception
    • vasectomy - sperm tubes cut and tied
    • female sterilization - oviducts cut and tied
  • auxins - plant hormones
    • selective weed killer
    • delay fruit ripening
    • seed dormancy
  • ethene
    • ripening of fruit
    • flowering
  • giberellins
    • seed dormancy
  • parthenocarpy
    • seedless fruit
  • type 1 diabetes
    • childhood
    • treatment - insulin injections
    • problem - can't produce insulin
  • type 2 diabetes
    • later in life
    • treatment - regulate diet
    • problem - no response to insulin
  • urine to detect problems
    • blood - diseases in kidney, urinating system or bladder
    • sugar - diabetes
    • protein - kidney disease
  • haemodialysis
    • blood is diverted to an external machine to be filtered
  • hypertonic
    • lots of sugars/salts
  • isotonic
    • same concentration as cells
  • hypotonic
    • very dilute
  • reflex arc
    • stimulus --> sensory receptors detect --> impulses get to CNS (coordinates response) --> impulse goes to effectors --> response
  • accomodation
    far object - stretch lens
    close object - fatten lens
  • rod and cones
    rod cells - light intensity
    cone cells - colours
  • Adrenaline?
    increased heart rate --> more blood + oxygen delivered
    increased rate and depth of breathing --> cope with demand for more oxygen
    diverted blood from gut to muscles --> muscles have more glucose + oxygen
    glucose released from liver --> increased respiration
    pupils dilate --> more light --> better vision
    hair stands up --> appear larger, more threatening
  • mechanical contraception
    • IUD/IUS (intra-uterus device/system)/coil - no sperm in uterus
    • diaphragm/ cap - no sperm in uterus
    • condom - no sperm in vagina
  • chemical contraception
    • oral contraceptive pill (taken daily) - oestrogen and progesterone --> inhibits FSH --> no mature egg
    • implant/ injection --> slow release hormone over 3 years
    • spermicides (cream inserted into vagina) - normally used with diaphragm
  • small intestine (SI)
    • digests food
    • walls of SI have villi and micro villi --> larger surface area
  • xylem
    • made of dead cells, thick walls, lignin, impermeable
    • water and minerals one direction
  • phloem
    • made of living cells, thin walls, sieve plates + cytoplasm
    • sugar and amino acids two direction
  • arteries
    • high pressure
    • thick outer wall
    • thick muscle and fibre
    • small lumen
  • veins
    • valves, goes to the heart
    • thin wall, thin muscle and fibre
    • large lumen
  • capillaries
    • semi permeable
    • connect arteries and veins
    • single cell thick wall
    • small lumen
  • test for reducing sugars
    • reagent - Benedict's
    • method - add reagent to food sample and boil in water bath
    • initial colour - blue
    • colour change - brick red precipitate
  • test for starch
    • reagent - iodine
    • method - add to the food
    • initial colour - yellow/brown
    • colour change - blue/black
  • test for protein
    reagent - biuret (NAOH + CuSO4)
    method - add to the food
    initial colour - blue
    colour change - lilac/purple
  • test for fats 

    reagent - ethanol
    method - add to food and dissolve in water
    initial colour - colourless
    colour change - white emulsion
  • ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)
    • released from the pituitary gland
    • increases reabsorption in the kidney
  • eye
    retina - where the image form
    optic nerve - sends impulse to the brain
    lens - focuses light onto the retina
    suspensory ligament - connects cilliary muscle to lens
    cilliary muscle - alters the lens shape
    iris - alters pupil size to allow light
    pupil - allows light in to eye
    cornea - direct light into the eye