The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) lays down basic rights such as entitlement to healthcare and education,protection from abuse and the right to participate in decisions that affect them, such as custody cases
Jacques Donzelot (1977) observes how theories of child development that began to appear from the 19th century stressed that children need supervision and protection
There is an age patriarchy of adult domination and child dependency
Patriarchy refers to 'rule by the father' and the term 'family' referred originally to the power of the male head over all other members of the household, including children and servants as well as women
This power will still assert itself in the form of violence against both children and women
Support view that childrens position has been improving - today they are valued, better cared for, protected and educated
Family and society have become child centred
Children are better cared for in terms of education,psychological and medical needs, more babies now survive, higher living standards and smaller family sizes mean parents can afford to provide for their childrens needs, children are protected from harm and exploitation by laws against child and abuse and child labour
Show how children actively create their own definitions of who is "family";- which may include people who are not 'proper' aunts or grandfather etc but who they regard as close