
Cards (13)

  • purpose of first aid:
    • preserve life
    • prevent further injury
    • promote recovery
  • preserve life:
    • asses for danger
    • carry out emergency first aid
    • ensure no one else placed at risk
  • prevent worsening:
    • ensure no further harm inflicted on causality
    • make area safe from further danger
    • maintaining dignity and respect
    • make sure causality not lived until full assessment is completed
  • promote recovery:
    • Get medical help quickly
    • stay with individuals until help arrives
    • enables handover / information given when help arrives
  • DR‘S ABC
    circulation / CPR
  • six responsibilities of first aiders
    1. Asses the situation quickly and calmly
    2. protect yourself and them from any danger
    3. prevent infection between you and them
    4. comfort and reassure
    5. assess causality and give first aid treatment
    6. arrange for help if needed
    1. asses situation quickly and calmly
    • safety - check to see if any danger
    • scene - find what caused incident
    • situation - find what’s happened and how many people involved
  • 2. protect yourself and them from danger
    • always protect yourself first - never put yourself at risk
    • only move them if leaving them would cause more harm
    • if can’t make area safe call 999 for help
  • 3. prevent infection between you and them
    • wash hands with soap and water or rub hands with alcohol gel
    • wear disposable gloves
    • don’t sneeze, cough or breathe over wound or causality
  • 4. comfort and reassure
    • Stay calm and take charge of situation
    • introduce yourself to them to help gain trust
    • explain situation and anything going to before you do it
    • treat casualty with dignity and respect
  • 5. Asses casualty and give first aid treatment
    • if more than one casualty help those with life threatening conditions
    • use primary survey to deal with any life threatening conditions - then move into second survey when successfully done
  • 6. arrange for help if needed
    • call 999 for ambulance if serious
  • Second survey
    Methodical check to asses responsive casualty for any other injuries or illness
    1. ask responsive casualty and those around them about the incident
    2. history - AMPIE
    A - allergy
    M - medication
    P - previous medical history
    L - last meal
    E - event history
    3. signs — look , smell, feel for any signs of injury
    4. symptoms— ask short simple questions about symptoms and sensations