Cards (4)

  • Opposing evidence - Elms and Milgram also found many of the fully obedient participants reported having a good relationship with their parents, so it may not be the best explanation for obedience. Hence there is a weak link between raised by fear and being obedient. 
  • ·         Social context maybe more important  - Milgram showed variations in the social context (location, proximity etc.) were the primary cause of differences in participants’ levels of obedience—relying on the authoritarian explanation for obedience fails to account for these variations. This might be because situational variables are more influential on one’s survival.
  • Education level may determine obedience – research has shown less-educated people are consistently more authoritarian than well-educated people, shows it may have some influence.
  • ·         Support left-wing views are less likely to obey – Begue et al (2014) found participants who defined themselves as left-wing gave lower intensity (fake) shocks to another participant.