Cards (8)

    • "skittle of milk"
    • metaphor compares milk bottles to bowling pins
    • suggests fun and excitement of time spent in Mrs Tilscher's class
    • "The classroom glowed like a sweetshop."
    • simile- makes the class feel magical, variety of tempting activities, creates interest and stimulates imagination of children
    • "Sugar paper. Coloured shapes. Brady and Hindley."
    • contrast of the safety of the classroom compared to the dangerous reality of the outside world
    • short sentence describes setting
    • "Mrs Tilscher loved you."
    • short sentence creating a statement that Mrs Tilscher loves all of her precious students and wanted to keep them safe from the outside dangers
    • "from commas into exclamation marks"
    • metaphor represents children growing up, they grow new independence, developing from childish acceptance to heightened sense of emotion as they now become bold and tall exclamation marks
    • "appalled"
    • disbelief of the safe environment disintegrating in front of her eyes
    • "Mrs Tilscher smiled then turned away."
    • she is unable to help the kids anymore, the security is no longer there, she fails to reassure the kids on adult knowledge
    • "impatient to be grown,"
    • parenthesis emphasises the speakers feelings, fear has melted away and turned into eagerness to experience life and leave the safety of Mrs Tilscher's class behind