
Subdecks (5)

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  • Cues
    Triggers or clues that serve as a reminder to the information
  • Retrieval failure
    Forgetting due to an absence of cues. The memory is available but no longer accessible.
  • Encoding – specificity principle
    Memory is most effective when aided by cues which were present at the time of encoding and at retrieval
  • We need cues present at both encoding and retrieval stages to aid memory
  • Context dependent forgetting
    Recall depends on something we see around us (Weather, place)
  • State dependent forgetting
    Recall depends on the emotion you had when it happened
  • Research into retrieval failure
    1. Deep sea-divers learn a list of words
    2. Learn on land/ recall on land
    3. Learn on land/ recall underwater
    4. Learn underwater/ recall on land
    5. Learn underwater/ recall underwater
  • Research into retrieval failure
    1. Gave antihistamine drugs to participants
    2. Mild sedative effectmade them drowsy
    3. After, they asked them to recall a list of words
    4. Learn on drug/ recall on drug
    5. Learn on drug / recall not on drug
    6. Learn not on drug/ recall on drug
    7. Learn not on drug/ recall not on drug