2.3 Left & Right Realism

Cards (6)

  • Right realism?

    Crime is due to the individual, they are a criminal because of biological factors such as aggression or low intelligence.
    This is worsened by poor socialisation.
    Murray believed that generous welfare payments were creating a underclass typified by welfare dependent lone parent families supported by the state.
    Absent fathers mean males lack a role model and turn to street gangs for male role models and status.
    Criminality is a rational choice and chosen.
    Crime is committed if the costs of committing it are seen as low.
    Crime is seen as a freely chosen.
  • Left realism?

    Crime is caused by society.
    Some groups in society are disadvantaged e.g the working class.
    Unemployment and deprivation lead to criminal behaviour.
    Being disadvantaged relative to other and being pushed to own material possessions through the media while experiencing low pay leads to criminal behaviour.
    Marginalisation can lead to criminality, being unemployed leads to marginalisation which then leads to frustration and resentment.
    In response to Relative deprivation, subcultures emerge and crime becomes an alternative means to get material possessions.
  • Strength - RR?

    Evidence to support it - Bennett and Wright interviewed convicted burglars and showed a cost benefit analysis of risk was considered when deciding to commit a crime.
  • Weakness - RR?

    Not all crimes are a rational choice, for example, violent crimes are often due impulsiveness or alcohol use.
  • Strength - LR?
    Draws attention to the impact of poverty and inequality on criminal behaviour.
  • Weakness - LR?
    Crimes are committed by the wealthy and upper class such as fraud and tax crimes.