Biological theories

Cards (10)

  • What social policy did eugenicists favour? - biological 

    Compulsory sterilisation of criminals as they believed criminality to be hereditary
    • mental illnesses
    • learning difficulties
    • in 1927 US Supreme Court ruled that it was legal
    • who also enforced abortions and restrictions on rights to marry
  • How can you treat heroin addiction?

    Methadone is used to treat addicts as a long term alternative to heroin
    • prevents withdrawal symptoms
    • provides a legally medicated control substitute
    • helps to reduce crime as addiction causes people to commit crime in order to pay for drug
  • How can you treat alcohol abuse?
    Antabuse is used in aversion therapy
    • prevents body from breaking down alcohol
    • causes unpleasant hangover symptoms when consumed even a little
  • How can you help “treat” sex offenders?

    Stilbesterol is a form of chemical castration used in prison to treat male sex offenders
    • its a femal hormone that suppresses testosterone reducing men’s sex drive
    • serious side effects: breast development, psychiatric disorders
  • How can you manage prisoners?

    sedatives and tranquilisers
    • used to keep troublesome + violent prisoners calm
  • What was an extreme case of the eugenics policy?

    Nazi’s racial purity - wanted the Aryan as a master race so eliminated everyone who didn’t fit.
    • initially targeted physically and mentally disabled people
    • 400,000 steralised against there will
    • 70,000 killed
  • How does police use chemicals to control crows and public offences?

    Tear gas - causes uncomfortable or distressing sensations
    • committing, breathing difficulties and disorientation
    • cause lung damage or even death
  • What are 2 types of surgeries that have been used to alter an offenders brain and body with the aim of them preventing offending?

    Surgical castraction - denmark and usa
    lobotomy - cutting connections between frontal lobes Of the brain and the thalamus
    • used to treat paranoid schizophrenia
    • sexually motivated + spontaneous criminals
  • How can diet be modified to change anti-social behaviour?
    Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids have caused a remarkable reduction in anti-social behaviour
    vitamin B3 used to treat some forms of schizophrenia
    used to control hyperactivity leading to offending
    • remove artificial colouring
    • tartrazine from children’s diets
  • What were eugenicist scared of?

    Human race was in danger of degeneration as lower class were breeding at a faster rate then higher class
    • passing on inferior genes for low intelligence, poverty, criminality more quickly then the higher class passing on superior genes
    • lowering average intelligence + moral quality