Digital Image Compression

Cards (13)

  • Digital image

    Made up of multiple small elements known as pixels
  • Resolution
    Number of pixels per unit area of the image
  • Solutions to reduce memory required for digital images
    • Reduce number of pixels (reduce resolution)
    • Compress data using compression software
  • JPEG
    One of the most important standards for photo image coding, also used in MPEG video
  • JPEG compression

    1. Divide picture into small blocks of pixels
    2. Perform complex calculations to arrive at a reasonably accurate but concise description of the block
    3. Remove or reduce some components that are not important for human vision
  • JPEG compression
    Lossy method, original data cannot be recovered exactly
  • JPEG compression can achieve high compression ratios with no visible loss of quality
  • Other common image formats

    • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
    • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  • GIF and PNG

    Use lossless compression methods
  • Increasing compression ratio
    Creates images of lower quality
  • Human perception is less sensitive to colour than it is to brightness
  • Information about colour and brightness can be coded and recorded separately
  • If human perception is less sensitive to colour than brightness
    Use fewer bits to code colour information than are used to code the brightness