Christian practices

Cards (65)

  • What are different ways Christians worship God?
    - Church services
    - prayer
    - pilgrimage
    - festivals
    - sacraments
    - how they live their life eg copying jesus' example
  • Who practices liturgical worship?
    RC and CofE
  • Who practices non liturgical worship?
    Baptists and Pentecostal
  • Key ideas of liturgical worship

    God is holy, great, transcendent, omnipotent so show respect in how you worship God. It is very formal, elaborate, colourful.
  • Key ideas of non liturgical worship

    Understand and feel positive/confident about what it means to be a Christian in your daily life. It is more relaxed, informal, flexible. Can be lively
  • Most important part of the liturgical service

  • Most important part of non liturgical service

    Bible readings and the sermon
  • What are the features of a liturgical (RC) service?
    Has two parts:
    liturgy of word:
    - prayers to god
    - say the creed
    - hymns and psalms sung

    Liturgy of the Eucharist:
    - bread + wine brought to the altar
    - prayers eg Lord's Prayer
    - sign of peace
    - eucharist
  • What are the features of a non liturgical service ( baptists and pentecostal)
    - blocks of singing praise and worship songs
    - testimonies given
    - prayer
    - bible readings
    - sermon given
    - tithe
    - holy communion/ eucharist
    - creed
    - sign of the peace
  • Advantages of liturgical service
    - a fixed service which is the same wherever you go means you will always know what is happening in the service
    - the focus is on respecting God and putting the relationship right between you and god through the regular eucharist
    - reciting the creed every service means you know the key beliefs necessary to believe in as a christian
  • Advantages of non liturgical services

    - can be more personal and you are more engaged and concentrate better as you dont know what is going to happen next
    - services can be more lively and modern so will appeal to young families more
    - the sermon gives advice on how to live your life as a christian
  • Examples of private worship and objects you could use
    - pray
    - listen to christian worship and music on dvd
    - watch religious programmes on tv
    - bible reading and study
    - meditate using candle
    - the priest comes to give you the Eucharist
    You could use a rosary, bible, candle
  • Advantages of private worship
    - can do it in a time and way that works for you
    - more personal than going to church service as you would have to make the effort and concentrate
    - works if you are old, ill wtc and cant get to church easily
  • Disadvantages of private worship

    - too easily distracted if you are at home
    - you may not know what to do or say but going to church service means the priest has done all the work and can give you a sermon
  • The bible says
    N s p i i s G w y t d
    Never stop praying it is something God wants you to do
  • Reasons why Christians pray

    - god says you shoudl
    - proof you are an xian
    - builds communication/ relationship with god
    - you are unsufficient-you need god to help you cope with sin/life
    - chance to give thanks to god for Jesus christ and for being able to directly talk to god
  • What does sacrament mean

    The visble form of invisible grace - it is something physical and visible representing something spiritual and invisible that is happening inside a persons soul which helps them to do the will of god in their life and to live as a fabulous christian
  • Inward and spiritual grace of baptism
    Removal of original sin,
    receive the holy spirit,
    entry into the church family
  • Inward and spiritual grace of eucharist

    Spiritual feeding with the body and blood of Jesus so you re strengthened to live as a christian remembering the significance of his death and resurrection (forgiveness of sins, repairing relationship with god, possible to reach heaven
  • Which christian groups accept these two sacraments

    Rc and protestant (most xians) because they were practised by jesus in the bible
  • Which groups dont accept these two sacraments
    Quakers and salvation army because they believe the inward experience of god should be enough and you don't need a physical action or object to remind you of gods love and involvement in life
  • Why is baptism important?

    - Jesus was baptised and he also told his disciples to go and baptise people
    Jesus is a Christian's role model so Christians want to copy his example.

    - it marks the entry of a person into Christianity and the Christian church which means you have the support of the Christian community growing up if you are baptised as a child and an extended family if you are adult baptized.
  • G a m d o a n b t i t n o t f t s a t h s

    Go and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the father the son and the Holy Spirit
  • Y a a s o g t f i j c
    You are all sons of god through faith in Jesus Christ
  • T I n j n g s n f m n f f y a a o i j c
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female for you are all one in Jesus christ
  • Similarities between infant and adult baptism

    Both use water
    Both wear white to symbolise purity and being free from sin
    Both are welcomed into the Christian church
    Both services baptise in the name of the father the son the Holy Spirit
    Both services involve making promises
  • Differences of infant and adult baptism

    Infant takes place at a font adult is at a Baptistery
    Infant is when water is poured over baby's head adult has them dunked fully into the water
  • Who practices infant baptism
    Rc cofe
  • Who practices adult baptism
  • Reasons why infant baptism is better
    Jesus said 'let the children come to me'
    As baptism is a sacrament gods grace should be received asap
    The child gets support of loads of people to help it grow up as a good Christian so it is better done asap
  • Reasons why adult baptism is better

    - the bible says Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan at 30 years old
    - it is wrong to get children joining a religion because it's their parents choice everyone should make their own personal commitment if their faith
    - removing sin doesn't make sense if you are a baby
  • Why is Eucharist important
    - Jesus introduced Eucharist to his disciples at the last supper before he was arrested and crucified asking them to continue it and Jesus is a Xians role model so ppl should follow his requests
    - it is a sacrament so this makes a person feel very close and aware of gods grace a love
    - reminder of jesus death and resurrection as Jesus sacrificed his life to take the blame for human sin and to restore the relationship between god and humans. This reminds Xians that god will forgive them and it is a time to praise god for what he has done.
  • Similarities of the mass and the Eucharist
    Both use bread and wine
    Takes place during a church service
  • Differences of mass and holy communion

    Mass uses wine and wafers or unleavened bread because this is what Jesus did.
    Holy communion uses bread and fruit juice bc they think drinking alcohol is wrong
    In mass people come up and take individually as a sign of respect but in holy communion they drink at the same time to show equality
    Mass happens every time there is a church service
    Holy communion happens usually every month
  • What is RCs view on the Eucharist?

    The point is transubstantiation
    This is the teaching that during mass, at the consecration of the bread and wine they are transformed into the actual blood and body of Jesus and that they are no longer bread and wine but only retain their appearance of bread and wine
    This is supported by the bible reading
    'This is my blood' and 'this is my body
  • Protestants eg baptists believe the point of the Eucharist is

    A reminder
    Bread and wine are just symbols to remind you of what Jesus' death and resurrection mean.
    This is supported by:
    'Do this in memory of me
  • What do people do in Lourdes

    - Visit the grotto drink and wash from the spring of water there because it is where Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette
    - 2 processions: the Eucharist procession and the rosary procession bc it is a time of equality and community which is how Christian's should be
  • Why do people go on pilgrimages
    - to feel closer to god and strengthen your faith because Lourdes and Iona are places where god has appeared to Xians. So it is easier to feel the presence of god.
    - a chance to reflect on your life because Christian's should be making a difference to the people and world around them but as life can be very hectic a place such as Iona which is less busy allows you to have a time out.
    - shows commitment to your religion
    - for healing
    - being part of the Christian family
  • Reasons pilgrimage is important part of a Xians faith

    - Jesus went to the desert for 40 days after his baptism to find time alone with god
    - strengthens faith and shows commitment to religion
  • Reasons pilgrimage is not an important part of religion
    - you can only do it once or twice in your life
    - Jesus never went in a pilgrimage
    - some people may argue that going to church and taking Eucharist gives you the same benefits
    - the money could be spent in better ways