Entrepreneurship is encouraged by the economy because it can provide a lot of opportunities for the unemployed people.
EMF - EntrepreneurialMindFrame - allows the entrepreneur to see things in a very positive and optimistic way in the midst of difficult situation.
EGG - EntrepreneurialGutGame - refers to the ability of the entrepreneur of being intuitive.
EHF - EntrepreneurialHeartFlame - entrepreneurs are driven by passion; they are attracted to discover satisfaction in the act and process of discovery.
Passion is the great desire of an entrepreneur to achieve his/her goals.
Sources of Opportunities
C - Changes in the Environment
T - Technological Discovery and Advancement
G - Government's thrust, programs, and policies
PI - People'sInterest
PE - PastExperiences
ChangesintheEnvironment - entrepreneurial ideas arise when changes happen in the external environment.
Climate - the weather conditions
NaturalResources - such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain.
Wildfire - includes all mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, etc., that live in the wild.
Physical Environment includes:
C - Climate
NR - NaturalResources
W - Wildfire
Political Forces - includes all the laws, rules, and regulations that govern business practices as well as the permits, approvals, and licenses necessary to operate the business.
Economic Forces - such as income level and employment rate.
Sociocultural Forces - customs, lifestyles, and values that characterize a society.
Technological Environment - new inventions and technology innovations.
Societal Environment includes:
PF - PoliticalForces
EF - EconomicForces
SF - SocioculturalForces
TE - TechnologicalEnvironment
Industry Environment of the Business includes:
C - Competitors
C - Customers
C - Creditors
E - Employees
G - Government
S - Suppliers
TechnologicalDiscovery and Advancement - a person with entrepreneurial interest sees possibility of business opportunities in any new discovery or because of the use of latest technology.
Government'sthrust, programs, and policies - priorities, projects, and policies of the government are also good sources of ideas.
People's Interest - the interest, hobbies, and preferences of people are rich sources of entrepreneurial ideas.
Past Experiences - expertise and skills developed by a person who has worked in a particular field may lead to the opening of a related business enterprise.
ForcesofCompetitionModel - also known as the "five forces of competition."
Five Forces of Competition (Intensity of Industry Rivalry)
B - Buyers
PNE - PotentialNewEntrants
RAEF - RivalryamongExistingFirms
SP - SubstituteProducts
S - Suppliers
Competition - the act or process of trying to get or win something.
Buyers - ones that pay cash in exchange for your goods and services.
PotentialNewEntrants - defined as companies or businesses that have the ability to penetrate or enter into a particular industry.
RivalryamongExistingFirms - it is a state or situations wherein business organizations are competing with each other in a particular market.
SubstituteProducts - one that serves the same purpose as another product in the market.
Suppliers - one that provide something that is needed in business operations such as office supplies and equipment.
Market Characteristics
CB - ConsumerBehaviour
SD - Supply and Demand
MS - MarketSize
ConsumerBehavior - understanding consumer preferences, buying patterns, and decision-making processes is crucial for market recognition and targetting.
Supply and Demand - analyzing the equilibrium between supply and demand helps in determining the market dynamics and pricing strategies.
MarketSize - assessing the total addressable market (TAM) and its segments aids in market recognition and strategic planning.
Identifying Market Trends
TAT - TrendAnalysisTools
DA - DataAnalysis
TrendAnalysisTools - utilizing advanced tools such as trend forecasting models and predictive analytics supports the identification of market trends and future outlook.
DataAnalysis - leveraging big data and analytics can unveil emerging market trends and consumer insights for informed decision-making.