A dependent collection, or group, of functional elements, items or processes that interact together to form a complex unit or structure
Information system
A system that is able to gather (or collect) information, and process, store and distribute the information
Computer system
The collection of hardware that forms a desktopcomputer or a laptop, or the software that runs on a computer, or a combination of both hardware and software
Stages in the system life cycle
Development and testing
System documentation is produced during each stage to record and support the creation of the new system
The results and findings of the maintenance of the new system are used to add to the knowledge and understanding of the planning stage so that designs and development of other new systems can be improved or amended
Feasibility study
A study carried out to assess whether the system can actually be created
A feasibility study analyses the technical ability of the company or business that intends to develop the new system, checks the legality, and checks whether the company can afford it and will make a profit
Only when management is satisfied that the feasibility study has completely evaluated the potential for a successful development will the development of a new system be allowed to proceed and be fully planned
1. Gatheringinformation by carrying out fact-finding investigations
Systems analyst
Responsiblefor gathering facts and information about the existing system and its problems
Collectingthe views and opinions of the users
Defining and understanding the requirements of the users
Suggesting alternativesolutions to problems and choosing the best solution
Calculating the benefits and the costs of the solution
Producing the specifications
Skills of a systems analyst
Interpersonal skills
Analytical and technical skills
Good management skills
Methods of research
1. Questionnaires
2. Interviews
3. Observation
4. Document analysis
Enable the gathering of information from many people in a shorter time than interviewing
Advantages of questionnaires
Less expensive than other methods
Results can be collected and enteredquickly
Can be targeted at specific groups
Lack of facial expression or body language to interpret.
Disadvantages of questionnaires
No follow-up research on individual responses if anonymous
Responses may be dishonest orbiased
Incomplete data if not fully completed or returned
Lack of ability to customise or clarify questions
Difficult for people with disabilities to complete
Can collect qualitative information, deal with complex topics, and allow follow-up questions
Advantages of interviews
Can collect information from people who can't communicate effectively in writing
Can minimise misunderstandings through follow-up questions
Disadvantages of interviews
Time-consuming for both interviewer and interviewee
Potential for bias and untruthful information
Quality of data depends on interviewer skills
Transcription of information into computer format is required
Watching the workings and requirements of the current system
Advantages of observation
Can reveal problems not obvious from documents
Observer can see first-hand how tasks are carried out
Observer can make accuratemeasurements of task times
Disadvantages of observation
Employees may not perform tasks normally when being watched
Observation takes up a lot of the observer's time
Remote video observation requires many hours of watching recordings
Discovering how data moves through a system
When being watched, the employees may not carry out the tasks in the way that they normally do but may stick rigidly to the set procedures. This makes the observations unreliable as a record of the employees at work.
Observations take up much of the observer's time, and the observer may even hinder the employees by being in the way or asking questions.
The use of indirect observation, with remote video cameras, may involve many hours, or days, of watching multiple recordings of tasks and processes and can take a great deal of time to do.
Document analysis
Used by systems analysts to discover how data moves through a system
In a DBMS, data is entered, processed and output.
For a whole organisation, there is documentary evidence of how data arrives and gets into the organisation and how it leaves, for example letters, money and resources come in, and reports, profits and products leave.
It is not usually possible to gather all the details of this type of information by questionnaires or interviews, but document analysis shows how data is collected, entered, processed and reported as it passes through.
Documents studied by an analyst
Input screens and reports
Purchase orders and receipts
Records or transactions
Queries on data to create reports
Employee work records
Project scopes and schedules
Error reports and maintenance reports
For a specific system, for example a database management system, only those documents that relate to the operation of the DBMS will be analysed.
Advantage of analysing documents
It reveals the flow of data through a system
Document analysis may not reveal smalldetails about the data.
A user requirements specification sets out the details of an agreement between the user and the development team about what the new system will do.
The user requirements specification becomes part of the final contract between the client and the developers and is made available to other stakeholders.
The user requirements specification is a definition of what will be produced and it is used at the testing stages to check whether the new system is doing what it is meant to do and what the client wants it to do.
Contents of a user requirements specification
Overview of what the client wants
Specifying what the new system should do and how it should do it
Description of the current system and its problems
Defined purpose of the new system
How the users would be affected and how they would benefit from the new system
The location of the new system would be specified if it were a large, whole new system for a company that had a number of offices.
The details of what exactly the system has to do are stated (the functional objectives).