- 'love your neighbour as you love yourself' so treat others how you would want to be treated, and because Jesus showed agape love towards anyone because they are a fellow human being.
- 'god created human beings in his own image' so all humans should be treated with respect.
- 'let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-ending stream' so if you love God you will put your faith into action and God values justice.
- Parable of the Sheep and the Goats shows that Xians should copy Jesus' example and if you want to go to heaven you must put your faith into action by helping others in need.
L j r o l a r, r l a n e s
Let justicerollonlike a river, righteousnesslike a never ending stream
G c h b I h o I
Muslim views on human rights and social justice
- 'allhumans are created as equal as the teeth in a comb' so others must be treated with respect as everyone is of equal value before Allah.
- ' He created you all from a single human being, from which He made its mate' (Quran) so all humans must be treated with respect as Allah created everyone form the same 1st humans
H c y a f a s b f w H m I m
He created you all from a single being, from which He made its mate.
T I n J n G s n f m n f f y a a o I J C
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ
Christian attitudes towards equality, prejudice and discrimination
All humans should be treated equally and with respect regardless of race, sex, religion, etc.
Insert as many teachings as you can think of.
Christian views on racism
All Xians think it is wrong. E.g Martin Luther king campaigned against racism and its effects.
- all humans are in the image if god so should be treated equally.
- insert social justice quotes
Martin Luther king
- challenged racism in America in the 1960s when black people were segregated from white people in every aspect of life e.g on the bus, restaurants etc
- used non violent protests eg bus boycotts, peaceful marches.
- was assassinated in 1968 but he achieved his goal and all citizens had the same rights regardless of their skin colour.
Christian views on treating women
Traditional view - women have an inferior role to men
Complementarianism - equal but different/complementary roles in church and family
Egalitarianism- men and women are equal and can have the same roles in church and family.
Traditional view of treatment of women
- women are expected to bring up children and run a Xian home
- submit and obey their husbands
- take no part in church leadership
- women can't be priests because Jesus was a man and a priest represents Jesus/god and Jesus also only had male disciples.
I d n p a w t t o h a o a m s m b q
Idonotpermita woman toteach or haveauthorityover a man she must be quiet
Complementarianism view of treatment of women
- view of RC church
- there are different gifts/strengths in each sex which if our together make a stronger family unit or church.
- men are the head of the household, women support that
- women can have some sort of leadership roles in church but men are the main leaders who give the sermon.
Egalitarianism view of the treatment of women
- view of Salvation Army and CofE
- women can be vicars and ministers in church
- women can have whatever role they want in marriage.
- saying 'obey' in the wedding vows is optional
- Jesus had close female friends and the first people to see him after the resurrection were women.
Muslim views on the status and treatment of women
- the Quran states that women have rights but men have the final word and so a greater status.
- a woman may study Quran and Islamic law, but she may not lead prayer in the mosque.
- God fashioned both male and female from the same drop of fluid. Suggests that women and men are equal
Christian views on homosexuality
- (RC) it is wrong because it is a sin in the Bible and heterosexual rships are what god intended as 'befruitfulandmultiply'
- (CofE) it is okay to be attracted to someone of the same sex but it is a sin to have sex. No marriage.
- (Liberal Xians) eg Quakers and Church of Scotland
Homosexual rships have the same values e.g love, faithfulness as heterosexual marriage so refusing same sex marriage is wrong.
Freedom of religion
Free to choose your religion or choose to have no religion
Freedom of religious expression
Free to express your beliefs and practice your religion
Xian views on freedom of religion and religous expression
- only Xianity is the true and correct religion so would like everyone to be a Xian 'go and make disciples of all nations'
- BUT Xians belief in the values of social harmony and belief that if they want people to be free to convert into Christianity and to be able to express their faith them they have to accept that freedom needs to be offered to other religions too. 'Live at peace with everyone' and the fruits of the spirit
G a m d o a n
Goandmakedisciplesof all nations
L a p w e
Muslim views of freedom of religion and religious expression
Exclusive-Islam is the only correct religion so everyone should be a Muslim.
- everyone is born a Muslim and Allah is Tawhid - there is no other possibility of any other Gods existing.
- BUT Islam traditionally excepts Xians and Jews as the 'people of the book' and treats them with respect
- in a Muslim country freedom of religous expression is not offered to other religions and converting from Islam is apostasy and technically carries the death penalty
- in the UK most Muslims are happy to live with freedom of religious expression because they are a minority religions community and want to practise their religion.
How should prejudice and discrimination be reduced
- the law
- positive discrimination e.g students from poorer backgrounds are given lower entry requirements for getting into better education
- educating people through schools, TV programmes etc
Reasons why people in the UK are rich
- born into a wealthy family or marry into a wealthy family
- they inherit money from a will when someone has died
- won the lottery/gambling
- talent and become a celebrity
Reasons why people in the UK are poor
- drug, alcohol, or gambling addiction
- poor education, little or no qualifications so end up in a low paid job/unemployed
- disabled/ill health
How does excessive interest on loans e.g payday loans exploit the poor?
-companies like 'quick quid' offer 'payday loans' or short term loans for people who have no money until their next payday and are unable to borrow money from the bank because they are considered too risky and might not pay the money back.
- payday loan companies charge HUGE amounts of interest
How does peopletrafficking exploit the poor ( buying and selling humans - modern day slavery)
- illegal and violates human rights
- 70% of humans sold into slavery are women and girls who are forced into being sex workers. The owner of a sex slave can earn up to $250,000 a year from selling her for sex.
How does fair pay exploit the poor?
- in the uk some people earn excessive amounts of money for what they do e.g Zoella (famous YouTuber) earns £50000 a month
Xian attitudes to wealth
- the love of money is the root of all evil so someone should not become obsessed with money
- it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god. So it is basically impossible for a rich man to enter heaven
- christians have the option of giving tithe as a gratitude for what good has given them.
- parable of the sheep and the goats as people are punished and sent to hell for not helping those that are in need.
- look to the ant you sluggardly consider its ways and be wise
L t t a y s c I w a b w
Lookto the ant you sluggard - consideritswaysandbewise
Muslim views of wealth
- zakah is the third pillar of Islam so Muslims must give 2.5% of their income to charity.
- for a debtor give him time to pay...
- he who eats and drinks while his brother goes hungry is not one of us.
- humans are caretakers of allahs wealth.
Hinduism views on wealth
- some believe in helping those in poverty in order to bring them good karma.
- others belief that poverty is the consequence of wrong actions in a previous life, so poor people should not be helped but left to work through their bad karma (Upanishad)
Who is responsible for poverty
- education
- counselling/ careers advice
- government help -benefits
- government help - minimum wage
- family support
- philanthropists
- charities and religous organisations
Poverty - education and training
- the more qualifications you have the better job you will get, especially as it is competitive jobs market
- could be in a poor school with poor teaching
- no point in going to education if family do not see the value of it and don't encourage it.
- short term gain may be better than long term gain e.g low paid job at 16 rather than stay in school.
Counselling/ careers advice
- if you have no support and encouragement from parents then extra help is good from people that know what they are taking about e.g CV writing
- needs to know how to access these services
Government help - benefits
- stops people from falling into absolute poverty and helps them to survive
- people may depend on their benefits and have no will to improve e.g benefit scroungers
Government help- minimumwage
- encourages people to take a low skilled job as the pay is OK
- stops employers from paying awful wages and exploiting workers
- can still be better off on benefits rather than going out to work on minimum wage
Family support
- your pride for your family means you wouldn't want to let the down so you would work harder
- causes family tensions if you cannot do the job properly and hold down the job they found for you.