The elites were involved heavily in politics, supporting parties and pressure groups with their wealth.
Many peasants lives were precarious. They shared quite conservative outlooks.
Position of Junker landowners were threatened by the position of falling food prices. Some even had to sell their land.
Some working class women were manual labourers, forming small workshops to contribute to the textile trade.
Peasant women tilled land alongside the men.
Pressure groups like the Pan-German league campaigned for restrictions on Jewish immigration.
The military glorification in unification was well celebrated in Germany. 'Sedan Day' was the anniversary of the victory over France and captured French guns were paraded through Berlin.
More than half of army officers had titles.
The industrialisation brought some benefits to German workers. Employment rates were high and wages increased 25%.
Medical insurance payed for medical bills for workers. Accident insurance provided grants to those who had been injured at work.
Caprivi introduced a minimum wage and no Sunday employment.
In 1871, only 8 towns had more than 100,000 inhabitants, by 1910, there were 48.