Cards (112)

  • Ancestral Land
    all lands exclusively and actually possessed, occupied, or utilized by indigenous cultural communities by themselves or through their ancestors
  • Claimowner
    qualified person who has registered mining claims under previous mining laws or under the PD 463
  • Contract Area
    land or body of water delineated for purposes of exploration, development, or utilization of the minerals found therein
  • Contractor
    contract holders (MA / FTAA) under RA 7942
    • Critical Watershed
    drainage area of a river system, lake or water reservoir
  • Forest Reservations 

    forest lands which have been reserved by President
  • Lessee
    leaseholder, claim owner or operator as the context of PD463 indicates
  • Permittee
    holder of an exploration permit
  • Permit Holder
    hold Mineral Processing Permit
    • Private Land: any land belonging to any private person
  • Public Land
    lands of the public domain which have been classified as agricultural lands and subject to management and disposition or concession under existing laws
  • Service Contractor

    anyone who entered into an agreement to undertake a specific work related to mining or quarrying operations
  • Factors to consider: VLLPECTAB
  • Anomalies: areas with geophysical properties different from surrounding areas
  • Carrying Capacity: capacity of natural and human environments to accommodate and absorb
    change without experiencing conditions of instability and attendant degradation
  • Clarke of Concentration: average crustal abundance of elements
  • Ecological Profile: geographic-based instruments for planners which represents description of
    the environmental setting including state of environmental quality and evaluation of the
    assimilative capacity of an area
  • Enrichment Factor: multiplier by which the clarke of concentration is multiplied with so that the
    elemental concentration will be profitable for mining
  • Background Value: normal value
    Threshold Value: “cut-off” value. Anomalous Value: above threshold value, wanted value
  • Rock: aggregate of mineral
    Mineral: naturally occurring substance, usually inorganic, homogenous, have a definite chemical
    composition and organized crystal structure
    Waste rock: barren rock in the mine, you don’t want this . Host / Country rock: considered mother rock where the mineral is enclosed / deposited/ confined
  • Gossans: ferruginous deposit filling the upper part of some mineral veins forming superficial
    cover over masses of pyrite
    o It consist mainly of hydrated iron oxides and has resulted from removal of sulfur as well as
    copper and other sulfides originally present
  • Floats: mineral exposures consisting of loose or traces of mineral remnants found downslope of a
    mineral deposit
  • Bedrock: any solid rock in place underlying a soil, clay or other overburden
  • Gangue Mineral: valueless minerals associated in the ore, you don’t want this as well
  • Talus: transported broken rocks by surface water flowing downslope
  • Detrital Materials: consist of transported sand and gravel fragments
  • Structure: well pronounced macroscopic features of rock
  • Exposure: a wide body of rock mass that offer an indication of mineralization Outcrop: part of an exposure where minerals are found exposed to the surface
  • Alteration: change in a rock mineral composition
    Gouge: soft, pulverized mixture of rock and mineral material found along shear (fault) zone Lode: fissure in consolidated rock filled with mineral, usually applied to metalliferous deposit
  • Overburden Soil: Mixture of mineral & biologic matter covering
    o Residual Soil: may contain detectable dispersion patterns developed during the
    weathering of mineralization of underlying bedrock
    o Transported Soil
  • Gouge
    Fine grain of rock pulverized along a fault
  • Devices used in diamond drilling to locate and recover detached or lost drill bits
    • Sludge Collector
    • Core Barrel
    • Bit Splitter
    • Wireline
    • Fishing device
  • Indicators of fault movement direction
    • Extent of oxidation
    • Direction of smooth surface
    • Direction of rough surface
    • Extent of sulfidization
    • Quantity of gouge generated
  • Karst topography

    Typical of limestone formations
  • Skarn
    Iron and/or copper deposits associated with replacement of limestones or dolomites
  • Exploration methods applicable for locating and determining thickness of wet shears, clays and/or gravels
    • Polarity
    • Telluric
    • Magnetic
    • Gravity
    • Resistivity
  • Reasons for tunneling after deposit exploration by drilling
    • To reconfirm drilling results
    • To obtain bulk samples for metallurgical testing
    • To increase confidence in reserve estimates
  • Strike
    Direction of the line produced by the intersection of the plane surface at the horizontal plane
  • Geophysical prospecting methods applicable and cheapest for establishing lateral extensions of shallow mineral deposits
    • Aerial magnetometer
    • Trenching
    • Diamond drilling
    • Seismic survey
    • Wireline drilling
  • Nickel laterite

    Ore product of surface weathering or ultramatic rocks