Essay 5.

Cards (20)

  • Essay Question - Compare/contrast impact of WWI on civilian populations in two countries up to 1918
  • Germany -
    • War was a struggle for survival not only for soldiers on front lines but also its civilian population at home
  • Germany - British Royal Navy blockade of German ports had effects on economy and society
  • Germany - Blockade resulted in dramatic shortage of food and essential goods, leading to what is known as turnip winter 1916-17
  • Germany - Scarcity of food and basic commodities led to sharp increase in prices making living conditions even harder
  • Germany - Estimated approx 763k german civilians died due to malnutrition and disease caused by blockade by end of war 1918
  • Germany - War caused significant societal changes, mobilisation of millions of men led a huge demand for labour in factories and fields
  • Germany - Saw huge influx of women entering workforce a shift from traditional role of women
  • Germany - Change was accompanied by societal unrest, increasingly clear that war was straining very fabric of german society
  • Germany - Coupled with rising discontent due to economic and social condition set stage for political upheavals that would follow
  • Br -
    • War brought significant hardships but not to the extent experience by german counterparts
    • Britain too saw mobilisation on a large scale, the country was better equipped to manage strain on civilian population
  • Br - British gov introduced defence of realm act (DORA) 1914 gave it wide ranging powers to control resources, regulate economy and ensure smooth running of country
  • Br - Included measures like rationing to prevent food shortages and price controls to counter inflation
  • Br -
    • War was not without challenges a key point of hardship was german u-boat campaign sought to disrupt british supply lines
    • Campaign did cause shortages and price rises in 1917 yet impact was not severe or long lasting as situation in Germany
  • Br -
    • British women also entered workforce in large numbers leading to shifts in societal norms
    • Most significant impacts of war was psychological 
    • Introduction of total war meant that civilians were no longer shielded from realities of conflict 
    • German Zeppelin raids though not causing material damage brought war to home front, causing fear and panic
  • N.Ferguson argues that war acted as a catalyst for societal change in both countries
  • N/ Ferguson - For germany he suggests war and its hardships expedited the process towards a more radical societal transformation that would culminate in Weimar republic and eventually rise of Nazism
  • N/Ferguson -
    • For BR he suggests the war and subsequent changes it brought served to strengthen the existing societal structure rather than undermining it
  • R. Chickering views war’s impact emphasises shared experiences of suffering and hardship that civilians underwent in both
  • R. Chickering -
    • Arguing that war blurred the lines between homefront and battlefront, between combatants and non combatants
    • Blurring, R. Chickering argues led to a totalisation of war experience which had long lasting effects on civilian populations in both