evaluate gender socialisation

Cards (4)

  • chivalry hypothesis
    • women commit more than official stats
    • most police are men so treat women with leniency
    • Pollak 1950 - men in CJS tend to have protection attitudes to women, less likely to be arrested
  • men less likely punished
    • men commit more violent offences and get off lighter as only over stepping exception for gender
    • females who commit crime breaking gender expected roles
  • hormones in males
    • testosterone - higher levels in men
    • Dabbs et al 1987, 9/11 inmates lowest level has committed non violent crime but highest testosterone 10/11 committed violent crime
    • not just socialistion explain crime
  • hormones in females
    • women have high oestradiol which promotes empathy
    • Eriksson et al 2003 - alcohol related aggression history showed negative correlation between oestradiol and testosterone related aggression