
Cards (11)

  • Breathing
    When we breathe in and out we suck air into them then expel it again
  • Gas exchange in the lungs

    1. Oxygen is absorbed from the lungs into the blood
    2. Carbon dioxide is removed from the blood and breathed out from the lungs
  • Respiration
    The release of energy from glucose or other organic substances
  • Types of respiration

    • Aerobic
    • Anaerobic
  • Alveoli
    • Final branchings of the respiratory tree
    • Act as the primary gas exchange units of the lung
  • Aerobic respiration
    • Takes place in the presence of oxygen
    • Glucose reacts with oxygen to release energy
    • Carbon dioxide and water are released as waste products
  • Aerobic respiration

    1. Glucose molecules react with oxygen molecules to form carbon dioxide and water molecules
    2. Energy is released by the breaking of bonds in the glucose molecules
  • During exercise

    • The body needs more energy and so the rate of respiration increases
    • Breathing rate increases to obtain extra oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
    • Heart beats faster to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide faster
  • It is the build up of carbon dioxide that makes us breathe faster
  • Anaerobic respiration

    • Occurs when oxygen is not available
    • Glucose is only partially broken down, and lactic acid is produced
    • Only a little bit of energy is obtained
  • Anaerobic respiration

    • Releases less than half the energy of aerobic respiration
    • Produces lactic acid which causes muscle fatigue and pain