What are 2 policies that have been influenced by right realism?
What is situational crime prevention?
aim to reduceopportunities for crime by increasing the difficulty of committingcrime and reducing rewards
includes target hardening
lock cars
employing security guards
reshapingenvironment to design crimeout of an area
is situation crime prevention effective?
crime can be displaced - if criminals are rationalactors they will avoidtargets that are toohard and move to softertargets (place, time, victim)
may result in morevulnerabletargets being victimised as othertargets have been hardened
What are the 2 types of environmental crime prevention?
Environmentalimprovmentstrategy - all signs of disorder must be dealtwith
zero tolerance policling - take a tougherstancetowards all crime even the mosttrvial
police should concentrate on tacklingquality of life - begging, prostitution, vandalism
Is zero - tolerance policing effecting?
crimefell after it was introduced in NewYork in the 1990s
it can lead to targeting of ethnicminorities due to policeracism + confrontation due to militarypolicing
What are 2 policies influenced by surveillance theories?
What is profiling?
using data to draw up a statisticalpicture of a likely offender
individuals can be profiled according to specificcharacteristics to decide what degree of risk they pose
is profiling effective?
can be discriminatory - profile based on official crime statistics may show certain groups are morelikely to offend - leading to self fulfilling prophecy
What is CCTV crime prevention?
modern form of panopticon
government can keep an eye on peopleacross the UK
people adjust their behaviour as they think they are being constantlywatched
Is CCTV effective?
based on peoplebelieving they are beingwatched and change their behaviourbecause of this
unsuccessful - leads to displacement
- sterotyping - CCTVoperators use raciststereotyping signalling black youths for surveillance
successful - able to identify people and reassure people
What is the main disadvantage of CCTV?
technology was introduced for 1 reason but used for another
introduction of automatic number plate recognition to identifyIRA bombersfailed and instead was used to identifyuntaxedvehicles
disproportionate use of highly intrusive technology
What are 2 policies influenced by left realists?
Policies to reduceinequality
Explain democratic policing?
Police involve localcommunities in deciding their policies
focus on crimes that victimise the disadvantage
domesticabuse and hatecrime
is democratic policing effective?
Neighbourhoodpolicing + policingcommunityofficers have been introduced to build better relationships with communties
many forces make cannabispossession a low priority
domesticviolence and hatecrime have become a high priority
Explain policies to reduce inequality?
calls for majorstructuralchanges to tackle discrimination, inequality of opportunities and unfairness of rewards
providing good jobs and housing for all
reducerelative deprivation
What are 3 policies that are influenced by Morton’s strain theory?
Policies to tackle poverty
equal opportunities in school
educaction in prison
Explain the policies to tackle poverty
welfare benefits and jobsecurity would reduce crime as it giveseveryone an equalchance of striving for success using legalmeans
explain equal opportunities in school
workingclasstreatedfairly - lesslikely to sufferstatusfrustration and join delinquentsubcultures
explain education in prison
1/2 of UKprisoners have a reading age of 11
better education will also them to gain new skills and get a goodjob
Are mertons policies effective?
they have a positive effect - societies that spendmore on welfarejailfewer people
those with greater inequality (USA) have higher crime rates
What are 3 policies that have been influenced by labelling theory?
Diversion Policy
What are the 2 types of reintegrative shaming?
Disintegrativeshaming - bothcrime and + criminal are labelled as bad - offener gets excluded from society and pushes them into 2nddevience
reintegrativeshaming - labels the actnot the criminal - done a bad thing not a badperson
avoids stigmatising the offender as evil, while stillencouraging them to repent and encouraging others to admit them back into society.
What are diversion policies?
aim to keepoffenderout of justicesystem so avoidlabelling them as criminals
informal - police use discretionnot to charge someone
formal - offendersrequired to attendangermanagementclasses
what is decriminalisation policy?
decriminalising minor offences - possession of cannabis
feweryoungerpeople will be labelled as criminals
criminalrecordcanlead them getting a deviantcareerleading to secondarydeviance