Worship; Shabbat and the synagogue

Cards (10)

  • Worship is about giving god thanks and prise, worship happens in many ways but the most significant is prayer
  • when praying Jews look deep within themselves at their role in the universe and their relationship with God
  • reasons for prayer:
    • to ask for gods help and advice
    • to show their belief
    • to talk to God about whatever is on their heart/mind
    • to show they are part of a worshipping community
    • because the mitvot tell them to
  • The Shema is the most important prayer in Jewish tradition; it is the mission statement of their faith
  • A mezuzah (that contains the shema written inside) is often attached to the front door of a Jewish persons home
  • Jews touch this as they enter their homes to help them feel more connected to God and/or to remind them of his presence
  • the shema:
    ”you shall love the lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your might“
  • Jews will attend a service once a week, on a saturday (their sabbath)
  • they learn more about God but also spend time with their extended family and friends
  • the synagogue is often used as a community centre and they have special ceremonies like marriages and funerals there