At the age of 5, rizal was able to read the Spanish family bible "historiasagrada"
Rizal wrote 2 religios poems, AlNinoJesus, and A La Virgen Maria
the name of Rizal's dog is usman
DonaTeodora, his mother, was the first teacher of Jose Rizal that taught him the alphabet.
GregorioAlberto inspires Rizal by working hard, to think of himself, and observe life keenly
Jose inspire Rizal by sketch, paint, and sculpt
Manuel inspires Rizal by with swimming, fencing, wrestling, and other sports
Maestro JustinianoAquinoCruz, is former teacher of paciano whom rizal described as someone who was quick to discipline his students using a short thin stick. His first formalteacher
Teodora was hauled to jail, by the mayor, AntonioVivencioDelRosario
Freedom Teodora finally regained after 2 and half a years
Rizal won a special prize in poetry for "A La Juventud Filipina" while he was in Ateneo.
Rizal was 11 years old when he enrolled in Ateneo
EscuelaPia (Charity School) former name of Ateneo , for poor boys in Manila which was established by the city government in 1817
June10, 1872 Rizal was accompanied by Paciano went to manila
father MaginFerrando was the college registrar, refused to admit Rizal in Ateneo for two reasons, (1) he was late for registration (2) he was sickly and undersized for his age.
ManuelXerexBurgos because of his intercession, nephew of Father Burgos, Rizal was reluctantlyadmitted at the Ateneo.
To improve his spanish, Rizal took private lessons in SantaIsabelCollege during the noon recesses. He was paid threepesos for those extra Spanish Lessons
Rizal grades remained excellent in all subjects but he won only one medal - in Latin
June16, 1875 Rizal became an interno in the Ateneo
Padre FranciscodePaulaSanchez inspires Rizal to study harder and to write poetry
The mostbrilliantAtenean of his time, Rizal was truly the "Pride of theJesuits"
March23, 1877 Commencement Day, Rizal, who was 16 years old, received from his Alma Mater, Ateneo Municipal, the degree of BachelorofArts, with highest honors
MarianCongregation a religious society wherein Rizal was an active member and later became the secretary.
Father JoseVilaclara advised Rizal to stop communing with the Muse and pay more attention to more practicalstudies
Rizal studies paintig under the famous Spanish painter, Agustin Saez, and sculpture under Romualdo de Jesus, noted Filipino Sculptor.
Rizal carved an image of the Virgin Mary on a piece of batikuling (Philippine Hardwood) with his pocket - knife
Father Lleonart impressed by Rizal's sculptural talent, requested him to carve for him an image of Sacred Heart of Jesus
April1877 Rizal who was then nearly 16 years old, matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas, taking the course on Philosophy and Letters
After finishing the first year if a course in Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), Rizal transferred to the Medical Course
Two reason why Rizal transferred to Medicine, he wanted to cure his mother's failingeyesight and; through the advice if Father Pablo Ramon, Father Rector of Ateneo recommended Rizal to take medicine
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas the first favorite novel of Rizal which made a deep impression on him