Business Entity Concept = The business is identified as an independent unit from its owner
Consistency Concept = Presentation and classification of financial statements should remain unchanged throughout the businesses financial life so they can be compared
Historical cost concept = the assets owned by a business should be recorded at cost and liabilities at the price they arose
Going concern concept = the assumption that a business will continue to operate in the foreseeablefuture
Realization conmcept = Income (revenue) should only be recorded once earned
Accrual Concept = Income and expenses should be recordedirrespective if they have been paid or received
Prudence Concept = Assets and income shouldn't be overstated and expenses and liabilities shouldn't be understated
Money measurement concept = transaction is only taken into account if it has a monetary value
Periodic concept = The performance of the entity is measured in each time period which is why business life is divided into periods
Materiality concept = Requires businesses to separately record a transaction only if the transaction affects the economic decision of the user
Substance over-form concept = Priority should be given to economic substance over legal concept