Must be paid to dependants spouse if they do not have the financial resources, parent with custody of dependent child, The act protect the family home from being sold without the consent of both spouses
Domestic violence act 2018
Any form of physical or sexual or psychological violence that puts the safety of a person at risk. It protects any person who lives in a domestic relationship from violence. Under the law there are three main kinds of protection a person can apply for: safety order, barring order and protection order
Safety order
Prevents the offender from committing further violence. That offender is not required to leavehome.
Barring order
Requires offender to leavehome for a specified time by the court. Their prohibited from being near applicants home.
Protection order
Temporary safety order issued to an applicant if they have to wait for the district court to hear their case.
Childcare act 1991
Makes provision for the care and protection of all children and is enforced by Garda and child family agency.
Care order
Removal of a child from the family home to be placed in care
Supervision order
Allows personnel from tusla to visit a child at their homeperiodically
Making a will
Witnessed document that sets out in writing the deceased wishes. Ensures that the wishes are carried out.
Making a will steps
Employ a solicitor, list all assets, appoint an executor, list beneficiaries, divide the estate, outline funeral arrangements, validate the will, store in a safe space
Features of a valid will
Individual making a will must be 18, must understand their actions, must be in writing,signed and dated and in the presence of two witnesses