Brooklyn cop

Cards (8)

  • built like a gorilla but less timid
    simile - implies he is primitive, powerful, perhaps lacking intelligence only has instincts purely of violence
  • thick-fleshed, steak-coloured, with two hieroglyphs in his face

    metaphor - implying his complexion is red and raw, these words compare him to a bit of meat suggesting he is raw and uncompromising
  • when he said "see you babe" to his wife, he hoped it, he truly hoped it
    repetition - shows his desperation and suggests that he is unable to take coming home for granted
  • "hiya honey" is no cliche
    tone appears casual, chatty and upbeat however in relaity he can only hope to return at the end of the day
  • should the tissue tear, should he plunge through into violence 

    alliteration- creates a quick phrase that implies a sudden and sharp pain
  • he walks the sidewalk and the thin tissue over violence
    metaphor- violence is never far away in the streets and suggests that safety can be lost at any moment
  • home is a place he might, this time, never get back to?

    rhetorical question - his situation is precarious and tone is sympathetic
  • and who would be who have to be his victims?
    enjambment - feeling of distress and adds to the sense of inevitability